
DHS Intelligence Report Cribs Andy Ngo Article

June 6, 2023

Page 1 from DHS Intelligence Report Cribs Andy Ngo Article
© Weekly Domestic OSINT Report TRIPwire he JON IP ROR TN Terr] we This weekly repent groves an overviews of significant domestic ) explosives-bascd incidents and statistical data ends for Federal, — > eh eral oven. set sn 0 Was. 4 Prk Ey! a AY ary aS "sh SB =v Loan 43 total incidents reported between Va, al 10DEC2022 and 16DEC2022 = 9 TE An Bi S : cients by ign Ta 5 8° = wih cal nomal weak counts omni § Em " rele a She 7] Sosconputon | @ pr oe KIER = FE
© Weekly Domestic OSINT Report TRIPwire he JON IP ROR TN Terr] we This weekly repent groves an overviews of significant domestic ) explosives-bascd incidents and statistical data ends for Federal, — > eh eral oven. set sn 0 Was. 4 Prk Ey! a AY ary aS "sh SB =v Loan 43 total incidents reported between Va, al 10DEC2022 and 16DEC2022 = 9 TE An Bi S : cients by ign Ta 5 8° = wih cal nomal weak counts omni § Em " rele a She 7] Sosconputon | @ pr oe KIER = FE
Page 2 from DHS Intelligence Report Cribs Andy Ngo Article
=) Weekly Domestic OSINT Report NIH L EET XN TI Te tml eras ARTES rors co > cere ° peers H . i Transport. a re : tg = ie || er @ = cy Wey niden ours Fe —
=) Weekly Domestic OSINT Report NIH L EET XN TI Te tml eras ARTES rors co > cere ° peers H . i Transport. a re : tg = ie || er @ = cy Wey niden ours Fe —
Page 3 from DHS Intelligence Report Cribs Andy Ngo Article
@ Weekly Domestic OSINT Report TRIPwire h~ 10DEC2022 to 16DEC2022 WP Massachusetts: TED Discovered in Veil, | Georgi: IED Functoned, BAM J — Arrested Discovered in Residential Neighborhood | Future Public Safely Training Center Site On 11 December 2022, at approximately | On 12 December 2022, Morrow Police Sars 300 hour toc time, Masacpncrs Sate | Department (MPD) responded (0 Burbank | On 13 December 2022, the Georgia Bureau Pali (MSP) moapers discovered an IED | Toul where they observed 3 powdery | of Ivesigsion (GBD, and Adents Police described a a clinical objet ma vehicle | subse and remmats of a" paste | Deparimen (APD) conducted an operation following a traffic stop on Interstate-95 in | container. The suspect had lit a device ontop | at an autonomous zone at the site of the. Woburn. An MSP Bomb Squad technician | of the storm drain causing it to function and | future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center mined the evict and desmined wan | send mall omens 65 foc The MPD | hire they were met by. nope who on exploivclnsentiary device consisting | arched the. Supa home. where they | saat tem with rocks ad boven. Afr Fa app emer Somining 5 ron Tre | discovered second IED and boro making | polit cleared te svn, whi mioded Commer grade pyrchnics. double bsg | materi (MVD. Clayton County Police | makeshift weshounes, hey found plone Srokelns ‘povder mach heads, ax 23 | Department Bomb. Squad technicians | devices, nsoline nd ond aren. No rthr lier bull, and ball brig Th 46. | responded (0 asi, examined the devices | device dls were provided. The FBI. Searold diver wan seed and icon | and BVM. snd removed them for safe | Georgia Atomey Generis Office, Dekalb link changes inhi poscuion of | disposi Photos from the scne show TNT. | Coury Police Deparment, DeKalb County Fe doa rnades, and pyrotechnics. The Tyearld | Diorio Atmos Offs Gegia Ste Spat was artesed nd shred Parl, and the Deparment of Natural x ion Bri occupation. wer amesied ind Z Chreed with omen rom and ater Sh ony charges. FE _—
@ Weekly Domestic OSINT Report TRIPwire h~ 10DEC2022 to 16DEC2022 WP Massachusetts: TED Discovered in Veil, | Georgi: IED Functoned, BAM J — Arrested Discovered in Residential Neighborhood | Future Public Safely Training Center Site On 11 December 2022, at approximately | On 12 December 2022, Morrow Police Sars 300 hour toc time, Masacpncrs Sate | Department (MPD) responded (0 Burbank | On 13 December 2022, the Georgia Bureau Pali (MSP) moapers discovered an IED | Toul where they observed 3 powdery | of Ivesigsion (GBD, and Adents Police described a a clinical objet ma vehicle | subse and remmats of a" paste | Deparimen (APD) conducted an operation following a traffic stop on Interstate-95 in | container. The suspect had lit a device ontop | at an autonomous zone at the site of the. Woburn. An MSP Bomb Squad technician | of the storm drain causing it to function and | future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center mined the evict and desmined wan | send mall omens 65 foc The MPD | hire they were met by. nope who on exploivclnsentiary device consisting | arched the. Supa home. where they | saat tem with rocks ad boven. Afr Fa app emer Somining 5 ron Tre | discovered second IED and boro making | polit cleared te svn, whi mioded Commer grade pyrchnics. double bsg | materi (MVD. Clayton County Police | makeshift weshounes, hey found plone Srokelns ‘povder mach heads, ax 23 | Department Bomb. Squad technicians | devices, nsoline nd ond aren. No rthr lier bull, and ball brig Th 46. | responded (0 asi, examined the devices | device dls were provided. The FBI. Searold diver wan seed and icon | and BVM. snd removed them for safe | Georgia Atomey Generis Office, Dekalb link changes inhi poscuion of | disposi Photos from the scne show TNT. | Coury Police Deparment, DeKalb County Fe doa rnades, and pyrotechnics. The Tyearld | Diorio Atmos Offs Gegia Ste Spat was artesed nd shred Parl, and the Deparment of Natural x ion Bri occupation. wer amesied ind Z Chreed with omen rom and ater Sh ony charges. FE _—
Page 4 from DHS Intelligence Report Cribs Andy Ngo Article
© Weekly Domestic OSINT Report TRIPwire he JUST RR tI v7) J The trastrutore Categorie sed iho re dev fom the DHS Cra nfs Sectors: — Chemical Foci Somics Sahar ad Pb Hest Pbnidas Commecale Gover Faitis Inert Telots rat Commins PT Con Scion roc ~ Cone Maing De Trperatin Systems oping ne Deine Doh Norris srs ort nme nd Base > Nooat Manmens Oe ob cli) rluvedee iy Emergency Seis sa + Posi Shipping tare Doc [I nS RT ————— eta bob ined ~ Bomb-Making Mitel (MM: scr commony assocssd with EDs but which were ot asscnbld to ction | 2CHeror cal fue doin te mt of don hs cmegory cde bth dens adhe Soh sien Bom Thea An cmon lt sof cio of ahh at 3 ct ston dere eed a + Device Discocred: The discocry of a hazardous device before the device was cmplced atthe targeted location formation. otis ht Dei Behe To ees of Wewtows des empictt reed rnin met arcebon Doe Front A bade devs ncioncd an Sion Fctags Diente To Anse aniston of an imtcly son ands package ven loft Rp ——— ton eo Region 1 Connect, Maine, Mocuchocre, New Hampshire, Rhode land, Vermont offil channel. suchas Reson Now eep:New York. Peto Ri, US: Vig nds er Reson Des, kof Columb Mahan, Pepys. Virgins, West Vira Thee eiemater Regions Albarn, a, George, Kesky, Missi Noth orl: South Corl. Termes a Reson Mims ana Mga, Mins, On, Waker mens Refions Akama, Loaiam New Meron Oho, Teas | Region? Tons, Kanin Missa, Nelda J Keon Colorado ran. Noth Don. South Dat, Us, Wyoming Reon io. Cafomin Haw Revd Aenean San, Gon Ts Teron of he Pai ands Kegon 10 Nk. sho Oren, Washingion ST mde mapa goyh mes ote gins wig hs ls. Graph eds clockwise Sora (CONTACT: Questions or comments regarding this product, and any other support, should be directed to the TRIPwire Help Desk via email: 1 iripwieheladhegor or by seecing th Contac Us tb st he op o the TRIPwine homepage. Thank you or wing TRIP.
© Weekly Domestic OSINT Report TRIPwire he JUST RR tI v7) J The trastrutore Categorie sed iho re dev fom the DHS Cra nfs Sectors: — Chemical Foci Somics Sahar ad Pb Hest Pbnidas Commecale Gover Faitis Inert Telots rat Commins PT Con Scion roc ~ Cone Maing De Trperatin Systems oping ne Deine Doh Norris srs ort nme nd Base > Nooat Manmens Oe ob cli) rluvedee iy Emergency Seis sa + Posi Shipping tare Doc [I nS RT ————— eta bob ined ~ Bomb-Making Mitel (MM: scr commony assocssd with EDs but which were ot asscnbld to ction | 2CHeror cal fue doin te mt of don hs cmegory cde bth dens adhe Soh sien Bom Thea An cmon lt sof cio of ahh at 3 ct ston dere eed a + Device Discocred: The discocry of a hazardous device before the device was cmplced atthe targeted location formation. otis ht Dei Behe To ees of Wewtows des empictt reed rnin met arcebon Doe Front A bade devs ncioncd an Sion Fctags Diente To Anse aniston of an imtcly son ands package ven loft Rp ——— ton eo Region 1 Connect, Maine, Mocuchocre, New Hampshire, Rhode land, Vermont offil channel. suchas Reson Now eep:New York. Peto Ri, US: Vig nds er Reson Des, kof Columb Mahan, Pepys. Virgins, West Vira Thee eiemater Regions Albarn, a, George, Kesky, Missi Noth orl: South Corl. Termes a Reson Mims ana Mga, Mins, On, Waker mens Refions Akama, Loaiam New Meron Oho, Teas | Region? Tons, Kanin Missa, Nelda J Keon Colorado ran. Noth Don. South Dat, Us, Wyoming Reon io. Cafomin Haw Revd Aenean San, Gon Ts Teron of he Pai ands Kegon 10 Nk. sho Oren, Washingion ST mde mapa goyh mes ote gins wig hs ls. Graph eds clockwise Sora (CONTACT: Questions or comments regarding this product, and any other support, should be directed to the TRIPwire Help Desk via email: 1 iripwieheladhegor or by seecing th Contac Us tb st he op o the TRIPwine homepage. Thank you or wing TRIP.