Alito Oil and Gas Lease
June 29, 2023

1-2022-010262 Book 6054 Pg 4
Cot 07/15/2022 3:03pm Pg 0004-0005 55
Fee: $20.00 Doc: $0.00 ©)
Jill Locke - Grady County Clerk =
State of Oklahoma
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered to this Jun 27, 2022. by and beeen Martha Ann Bomgardner Alto, Trustee of the
Bobby Gene Bomgardner Revocable Living Trust whose dress 7.0. Box 7452 Alexandr, Vs 22307, Party of the rst Part,
herinaher called Lessor (whether one or more, and Cezen Energy Hl LLC whose addres is 320 S. Boston Ave. Suite 900,
“Tisa,0K 74103. Party ofthe Second Part herenafer called “Lessee
WITNESSETH, That the said Lessor, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS cash in har pad, receipt of whic is hereby
acknowledged, and of th covenants 4nd agreements herinaer contained on th part of Lessee 10 bo pai, ep an performs
Has gran, demiscd, eased and et an by hese presents does grant, dermis, esse nd et unto the sid Liss, o te sole and
only purpose of exploring by geophysical 3nd other methods. mining and operating or oi (including but not mit to state
and condensate). gs incudingcosnghesd ga and helm and l othr onsaaents). an or ay pipelines, and bing tanks,
power stations and structures hereon, rodace, save and ake care of products, ll hat crt ict of nd, Ogeer with
Soy reversionary gh herein, ated n dh Coun of GRA, ats of Oar. dese 5 ows to-wit
‘Township a. Range BY
and containing 16000 acres, more or les
5 aged that is ease shall remain in force or a em ofthe. (3) years rom date hereinafer cae peimry term)
and as long thereafter 35 oi or gas, or either of them, is produced from sai land by the Lessee. i the-avent this asa is 01
Continued beyond-the. pi Go-by-rOuEi i EO peratons-o by-any-other eens-or provision herein conained
esol have dh. opon Du 10h EON -enend he primary erm oF i eos v0 at or horton hissed
Premises fora adsona and extended tm of wo-(2) yess ond ors Jong hereto shies. continued or maimed
forced lec hrc o sHocaon he ease premise 05. £4 OF bt Wik oRBB ORS 0b a Otel means
provisions ere onan ace oy cxrcoe Ihe Oo dv-eend host 110 9 ny porto of eos proms,
yonder -sson-t th des sted Shove non blot Ie SNPROIO doe he pra er oF ron
addions poracr-boms omsidraton equal 1 he some. per ace bonus <onsderaion finely por fo i ers
consideration ofthe premises he sud Levi covenants and Tees:
15 To deliver to th cred of Lesor ee of co, HE pip ie to which € may Connect s we, the tree sieenths
(316815) part ofall i including bt not hited to condensate and dita) produced and save from the eased premises.
20d. To pay Lessor for gas (including casinghead ga and col bed methane gas) of whatsoever nature o ind (with all of is
constituents) produced and sold or used off the Jesse premises or usd i the TARLAC of products thererom, three
sneenchs (316th) ofthe gros proces received om ay pry (whether or not an afflac f Lasse) or the gos s,s of
he premises, or n the manufacture of products therefrom, cs + proportionate prt of ay production severance and other excise
taves and costs and/or fes incurred by Lessee in making marketable Lessor’ share of £35 and/or 1 ethering. ransporing.
processing, compresing or otherwise marketing 5510's shar of ga, bus ne vent mere dhs che cee (3/161 of he
net amount actualy received bythe Less fom any such party. During any period (whether befor or fr expiration of the
primary term hereof) when gas snot being 50 sod or sed and the well o wells are ut in and he 5 ao current producion of
oi or operations on said eased premises uficent to keep this ease In force, Lessee Shall pay of cen a rosa of One Dollar
(S100) per year per net royalty ace retained hereunder, uch payment or ender t be ade, on or before the anniversary dae of
is eas next ensuing afte the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date such wel is Shot in and here on the anniversary
date of this ease during th period such wel iS shut in, 0 the royalty owners. Whe Such payment o sender made. wil be
Considered that gas i bein produced within the meaning of the enn lease.
3rd. To pay Lessor fo gas and/or oi produced from any oil wel and used of th premises, of for the manufacture of
casinghea gasoline or ry commercial gas three sient (L161) of the net proceeds, the oth of che wll receed by
Less fo th gas during h rie such ga Sal b ued. Sad payments tobe made monthly
Lessee is hereby granted he Hght a any time and ra. ime to in £0 nila ch leased premises or any portion or
portions there, a 0 al Sat or any Stratum or strata with any other ands 5 0 all trata ar ny statu. 0 strate fo the
production primary of flo primarily of gas wi o without dstlae. However. no unit 0 the production primary of oi shall
embrace more than 80 ares, or fo he production primary of as with or wihou dtilate ore than 40 ser. provided
however, unis formed for the production of ethe i or gas by th cri of orizonta wels shal be allowed. he ni Goes nok
exceed 640 contiguous acres. I any governmental relation shall prescribe spacing pater fo he development ofthe fied or
allocate producing allowable based on crag per wel, then any such anit may embrace a much adi ionl acreage a may be so
prescribed or as may be usd in such allocation of allowable. Less shal fle written unt designations In the coum 1 whieh the
leased premise ar located. Operations upon and production from th unit Shall be (rate a f Sch operations were upon or
such production were from the eased premises whechr o not the wel o els ar located thereon. The ire acreage wii»
unit sll be treated oral purposes a i wre covered by and included in tis ease except that he royalty on production from
he unit shal be a5 below provided, an except hat in caltin the amount of ny shut i Bas royale, only the part of the
acreage orginally ease and then acually embrace by his lsse shall be counted. 1 respec 0 production rom the ni Lessee
shall pay Lessor, in lew of oher royale hereon, oly Such proportion ofthe rales pubked herein 35 th runt of i
Scteage Paced 1s tie uni, or his royalty terest thei on an Tug bis bear ote otal Acreage I he
1 sd Lessor oan les terest nthe above described ad than he ani and undioed fe simple state therein, thn
the royalties herein provided shall be paid the Lessor only i he proportion which is terest bear othe whole and andisied
When requested by the Lesor, Lessee sll bury bi pipe ies below plow dpi.
No well shal be dred nearer than 200 fet t the house or barn now on sad premises, without the written consent ofthe
Lessor, |
Lessee shal pay for af aig cated by ts operations rowing crops on sida. |
Lessee shall ave the igh ous ree Of Cot £3, flan wate produc by essen sad an fons operations hereon:
Les hal av the right at any Kim fo retiove 4 mac ry 40 Pine BaChd on efits. mein te AMET
draw andremovecising.
the Etat of ether pty Herta assigned. and he pis gE sii hols or par Ther expety lowed
he covenants here shal extend t thei heis, executors, administrators, successors or assigns. However, no change or division
in ownership ofthe land o royale hal enlarge the bigatons or dish the Fgh of esse. No hanes he pwnershiof
he and or roles shall e binding on the Less unl er he Lessee as been ur shd with writen sander or aognment
1-2022-010262 Book 6054 Pg 4
Cot 07/15/2022 3:03pm Pg 0004-0005 55
Fee: $20.00 Doc: $0.00 ©)
Jill Locke - Grady County Clerk =
State of Oklahoma
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered to this Jun 27, 2022. by and beeen Martha Ann Bomgardner Alto, Trustee of the
Bobby Gene Bomgardner Revocable Living Trust whose dress 7.0. Box 7452 Alexandr, Vs 22307, Party of the rst Part,
herinaher called Lessor (whether one or more, and Cezen Energy Hl LLC whose addres is 320 S. Boston Ave. Suite 900,
“Tisa,0K 74103. Party ofthe Second Part herenafer called “Lessee
WITNESSETH, That the said Lessor, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS cash in har pad, receipt of whic is hereby
acknowledged, and of th covenants 4nd agreements herinaer contained on th part of Lessee 10 bo pai, ep an performs
Has gran, demiscd, eased and et an by hese presents does grant, dermis, esse nd et unto the sid Liss, o te sole and
only purpose of exploring by geophysical 3nd other methods. mining and operating or oi (including but not mit to state
and condensate). gs incudingcosnghesd ga and helm and l othr onsaaents). an or ay pipelines, and bing tanks,
power stations and structures hereon, rodace, save and ake care of products, ll hat crt ict of nd, Ogeer with
Soy reversionary gh herein, ated n dh Coun of GRA, ats of Oar. dese 5 ows to-wit
‘Township a. Range BY
and containing 16000 acres, more or les
5 aged that is ease shall remain in force or a em ofthe. (3) years rom date hereinafer cae peimry term)
and as long thereafter 35 oi or gas, or either of them, is produced from sai land by the Lessee. i the-avent this asa is 01
Continued beyond-the. pi Go-by-rOuEi i EO peratons-o by-any-other eens-or provision herein conained
esol have dh. opon Du 10h EON -enend he primary erm oF i eos v0 at or horton hissed
Premises fora adsona and extended tm of wo-(2) yess ond ors Jong hereto shies. continued or maimed
forced lec hrc o sHocaon he ease premise 05. £4 OF bt Wik oRBB ORS 0b a Otel means
provisions ere onan ace oy cxrcoe Ihe Oo dv-eend host 110 9 ny porto of eos proms,
yonder -sson-t th des sted Shove non blot Ie SNPROIO doe he pra er oF ron
addions poracr-boms omsidraton equal 1 he some. per ace bonus <onsderaion finely por fo i ers
consideration ofthe premises he sud Levi covenants and Tees:
15 To deliver to th cred of Lesor ee of co, HE pip ie to which € may Connect s we, the tree sieenths
(316815) part ofall i including bt not hited to condensate and dita) produced and save from the eased premises.
20d. To pay Lessor for gas (including casinghead ga and col bed methane gas) of whatsoever nature o ind (with all of is
constituents) produced and sold or used off the Jesse premises or usd i the TARLAC of products thererom, three
sneenchs (316th) ofthe gros proces received om ay pry (whether or not an afflac f Lasse) or the gos s,s of
he premises, or n the manufacture of products therefrom, cs + proportionate prt of ay production severance and other excise
taves and costs and/or fes incurred by Lessee in making marketable Lessor’ share of £35 and/or 1 ethering. ransporing.
processing, compresing or otherwise marketing 5510's shar of ga, bus ne vent mere dhs che cee (3/161 of he
net amount actualy received bythe Less fom any such party. During any period (whether befor or fr expiration of the
primary term hereof) when gas snot being 50 sod or sed and the well o wells are ut in and he 5 ao current producion of
oi or operations on said eased premises uficent to keep this ease In force, Lessee Shall pay of cen a rosa of One Dollar
(S100) per year per net royalty ace retained hereunder, uch payment or ender t be ade, on or before the anniversary dae of
is eas next ensuing afte the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date such wel is Shot in and here on the anniversary
date of this ease during th period such wel iS shut in, 0 the royalty owners. Whe Such payment o sender made. wil be
Considered that gas i bein produced within the meaning of the enn lease.
3rd. To pay Lessor fo gas and/or oi produced from any oil wel and used of th premises, of for the manufacture of
casinghea gasoline or ry commercial gas three sient (L161) of the net proceeds, the oth of che wll receed by
Less fo th gas during h rie such ga Sal b ued. Sad payments tobe made monthly
Lessee is hereby granted he Hght a any time and ra. ime to in £0 nila ch leased premises or any portion or
portions there, a 0 al Sat or any Stratum or strata with any other ands 5 0 all trata ar ny statu. 0 strate fo the
production primary of flo primarily of gas wi o without dstlae. However. no unit 0 the production primary of oi shall
embrace more than 80 ares, or fo he production primary of as with or wihou dtilate ore than 40 ser. provided
however, unis formed for the production of ethe i or gas by th cri of orizonta wels shal be allowed. he ni Goes nok
exceed 640 contiguous acres. I any governmental relation shall prescribe spacing pater fo he development ofthe fied or
allocate producing allowable based on crag per wel, then any such anit may embrace a much adi ionl acreage a may be so
prescribed or as may be usd in such allocation of allowable. Less shal fle written unt designations In the coum 1 whieh the
leased premise ar located. Operations upon and production from th unit Shall be (rate a f Sch operations were upon or
such production were from the eased premises whechr o not the wel o els ar located thereon. The ire acreage wii»
unit sll be treated oral purposes a i wre covered by and included in tis ease except that he royalty on production from
he unit shal be a5 below provided, an except hat in caltin the amount of ny shut i Bas royale, only the part of the
acreage orginally ease and then acually embrace by his lsse shall be counted. 1 respec 0 production rom the ni Lessee
shall pay Lessor, in lew of oher royale hereon, oly Such proportion ofthe rales pubked herein 35 th runt of i
Scteage Paced 1s tie uni, or his royalty terest thei on an Tug bis bear ote otal Acreage I he
1 sd Lessor oan les terest nthe above described ad than he ani and undioed fe simple state therein, thn
the royalties herein provided shall be paid the Lessor only i he proportion which is terest bear othe whole and andisied
When requested by the Lesor, Lessee sll bury bi pipe ies below plow dpi.
No well shal be dred nearer than 200 fet t the house or barn now on sad premises, without the written consent ofthe
Lessor, |
Lessee shal pay for af aig cated by ts operations rowing crops on sida. |
Lessee shall ave the igh ous ree Of Cot £3, flan wate produc by essen sad an fons operations hereon:
Les hal av the right at any Kim fo retiove 4 mac ry 40 Pine BaChd on efits. mein te AMET
draw andremovecising.
the Etat of ether pty Herta assigned. and he pis gE sii hols or par Ther expety lowed
he covenants here shal extend t thei heis, executors, administrators, successors or assigns. However, no change or division
in ownership ofthe land o royale hal enlarge the bigatons or dish the Fgh of esse. No hanes he pwnershiof
he and or roles shall e binding on the Less unl er he Lessee as been ur shd with writen sander or aognment