David Morens NIH Emails Redacted
June 29, 2023
rom: David Moen
co. EE
0! pater Dasak
Edvard Homes
Jason Gale Extomal Sender. Bo aware of Inks, atachments and requests.
Robert Kessier
Stephen Goldstein
Subject: here's the latest ne of attack
Peter and colleagues,
As you know, I try to always communicate on gmail because my NIH email is FOIA'D
Yesterday my gmail was hacked, probably by these GoF assholes, and until IT can get it
fixed T may have to occasionally email from my NIH account.
It spent a couple hours today but couldn't fix it.
Stuff sent to my gmail gets to my phone, but not my NIH computer.
Don't worry, just send to any of my addresses and I will delete anything I don't want to
see in the New York Times.
David M. Morens. MD
[email com
rom: David Moen
co. EE
0! pater Dasak
Edvard Homes
Jason Gale Extomal Sender. Bo aware of Inks, atachments and requests.
Robert Kessier
Stephen Goldstein
Subject: here's the latest ne of attack
Peter and colleagues,
As you know, I try to always communicate on gmail because my NIH email is FOIA'D
Yesterday my gmail was hacked, probably by these GoF assholes, and until IT can get it
fixed T may have to occasionally email from my NIH account.
It spent a couple hours today but couldn't fix it.
Stuff sent to my gmail gets to my phone, but not my NIH computer.
Don't worry, just send to any of my addresses and I will delete anything I don't want to
see in the New York Times.
David M. Morens. MD
[email com
IMPORTANT: My gmail frequently sends incoming messages to Trash, which is apparently not
correctable. 1f you don't hear from me in a reasonable time, please try again, call, or use my NIH email
IMPORTANT: For US Government.related email, please also reply to my NIAID address
On'Thu, Sep , 2021 at 5:10 PM Peter Dak |
Here's a report in the Daily Caller that goes ater the Go argument tha the chimeric bat viruses yielded more virus in
humanized mice than the parental bat virus strain. hitps://dailycaller com) 2021/09/09 ecohealth-allance-gain-of-
function higher viral-ac-anthony-faucl/
There's a good response from NIH: ‘An NIH spokesperson told the DCNF the agency “never approved any research that
would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans.” “The research we supported in China, where coronaviruses are
prevalent, sought to understand the behavior of coronaviruses circulating n bats that have the potential to cause
Widespread ease,” the spokesperson sad. “The body of science produced by tis research demonstrates that the bat
coronavirus sequences published from that work NIH supported were not SARS-Cov-2. More importantly, because of
similar research to understand coronaviruses, we were able to move swiftly to develop vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
and save ives.”
This story is particularly tating because f you ook at the P3CO rules, I's clear they are meant for pathagens that
occur in humans and might be made more dangerous. These were bat viruses that have never been shown to occur in
humans. Let's akso not forget that the virus with a higher vial load in mice was actually because it had the spike protein
of a bat virus being flown around every night by tens of thousands of bats in rural china ~ not something new created
by us to enhance viruence - In fact, the opposite: the fact that we could do this work with a chimera means that we.
don't have to isolate and culture every single new bat cov we find. It reduces isk!
Fauct-Funded Wuhan Lab Viruses Exhibited Over 10,000 Times Higher Viral Load Than Natural Strain, Documents Show
IMPORTANT: My gmail frequently sends incoming messages to Trash, which is apparently not
correctable. 1f you don't hear from me in a reasonable time, please try again, call, or use my NIH email
IMPORTANT: For US Government.related email, please also reply to my NIAID address
On'Thu, Sep , 2021 at 5:10 PM Peter Dak |
Here's a report in the Daily Caller that goes ater the Go argument tha the chimeric bat viruses yielded more virus in
humanized mice than the parental bat virus strain. hitps://dailycaller com) 2021/09/09 ecohealth-allance-gain-of-
function higher viral-ac-anthony-faucl/
There's a good response from NIH: ‘An NIH spokesperson told the DCNF the agency “never approved any research that
would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans.” “The research we supported in China, where coronaviruses are
prevalent, sought to understand the behavior of coronaviruses circulating n bats that have the potential to cause
Widespread ease,” the spokesperson sad. “The body of science produced by tis research demonstrates that the bat
coronavirus sequences published from that work NIH supported were not SARS-Cov-2. More importantly, because of
similar research to understand coronaviruses, we were able to move swiftly to develop vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
and save ives.”
This story is particularly tating because f you ook at the P3CO rules, I's clear they are meant for pathagens that
occur in humans and might be made more dangerous. These were bat viruses that have never been shown to occur in
humans. Let's akso not forget that the virus with a higher vial load in mice was actually because it had the spike protein
of a bat virus being flown around every night by tens of thousands of bats in rural china ~ not something new created
by us to enhance viruence - In fact, the opposite: the fact that we could do this work with a chimera means that we.
don't have to isolate and culture every single new bat cov we find. It reduces isk!
Fauct-Funded Wuhan Lab Viruses Exhibited Over 10,000 Times Higher Viral Load Than Natural Strain, Documents Show
September 09, 2021325 PM ET
+ US. and Chinese researchers funded by the Nationa Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases created
Viruses in » Wuhan ab tha exhisited over 10,000 times higher viral load in humanized mice, records released by the
agency show.
+ Rutgers University professor Richard bright sid the data was "bona fde bombhel” tha proves the NIAID,
under Dr. Anthony Faucr leadership, violated federal polices, endangered the pubiic and le to the public
+ Fauci testified before the Senate n June tha is agency never funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology.
US. and Chinese researchers funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
created viruses in a Wuhan ab that ehibited over 10,000 tims higher ial oad in humanized mice than the natural
virus they were based on, according to an infectious disease professor citing documents recently released by the
The U.S. nonprofit group Eotiealth Allance notified the NIAID in two reports that between June 2017 and May 2018 t
had created three lab-generated chimeric SARS elated coronaviruses in hina that extbited “significantly higher” viral
loads, documents frst reported by The Intercept show, but the agency continued to fund the project with taspayer
dollars without flagging it for review by an independent federal committee created in late 2017 to oversee gain-of-
function research.
Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright, a vocal opponent of gain-of-function research, said the data was a “bona
fide bombshell” that proves the NIAID, under Faucs leadership, vilated federal polices endangered the public and
led © the public
“Three EcoHealth/[Wuhan Institute of Virology] lab-generated viruses exhibited >10x to >10,000x higher viral load than
the starting bat virus in humanized mice,” Ebright tweeted. “One EcoHealth/WIV lab-generated virus exhibited higher
pathogenicity than the starting bat vs in infection studies with humanized mice.”
“Ihe results demonstate-unequivcally-a gan in function” he sad.
September 09, 2021325 PM ET
+ US. and Chinese researchers funded by the Nationa Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases created
Viruses in » Wuhan ab tha exhisited over 10,000 times higher viral load in humanized mice, records released by the
agency show.
+ Rutgers University professor Richard bright sid the data was "bona fde bombhel” tha proves the NIAID,
under Dr. Anthony Faucr leadership, violated federal polices, endangered the pubiic and le to the public
+ Fauci testified before the Senate n June tha is agency never funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology.
US. and Chinese researchers funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
created viruses in a Wuhan ab that ehibited over 10,000 tims higher ial oad in humanized mice than the natural
virus they were based on, according to an infectious disease professor citing documents recently released by the
The U.S. nonprofit group Eotiealth Allance notified the NIAID in two reports that between June 2017 and May 2018 t
had created three lab-generated chimeric SARS elated coronaviruses in hina that extbited “significantly higher” viral
loads, documents frst reported by The Intercept show, but the agency continued to fund the project with taspayer
dollars without flagging it for review by an independent federal committee created in late 2017 to oversee gain-of-
function research.
Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright, a vocal opponent of gain-of-function research, said the data was a “bona
fide bombshell” that proves the NIAID, under Faucs leadership, vilated federal polices endangered the public and
led © the public
“Three EcoHealth/[Wuhan Institute of Virology] lab-generated viruses exhibited >10x to >10,000x higher viral load than
the starting bat virus in humanized mice,” Ebright tweeted. “One EcoHealth/WIV lab-generated virus exhibited higher
pathogenicity than the starting bat vs in infection studies with humanized mice.”
“Ihe results demonstate-unequivcally-a gan in function” he sad.
In comparison, the viral load for people infected with the delta variant is roughly 1,000 times higher than those
infected with the original strain of the virus, according to Nature science journal.
Ebrght added on Twitter that the gain of funtion research activity that NIAID allowed EcoNeslth lance t conduct in
China could have yielded the virus that causes COVID-19 or a progenitor of that virus,
EcoHealth Alliance first notified the NIAID it created the three lab-generated SARS-related coronaviruses in a progress
report detailing its research activities between June 2017 and May 2018.
“Using the reverse genetic mthods we previously developed, infectious clones with the WIV backbone and the spike
protein of SHCDL4, WIVAE and Rs4231, respectively, were consiructed and recombinant viruses were successfully
rescue” the group said nit progress report. 2 and days post infection, the ral load in ung issues of mice
Challenge ith WIVI-SHCO145, FWIVI-WIVL6S and rWIVI-RG42315... were significantly higher than that in IVA
infected mice.”
“These results demonstrate varying pathogenicity of SARS-CoV with diferent spike proteins in humanized mice,” the
report added.
EcoMealth Allance included a chart visualizing th increased viral lad of thei lab-creted viruses, Th charts
presented na Log scale meaning each tick of th chart represents a 100-old increas in ial load in mice with
‘humanized cells, Ebright explained to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Chants submited b Ecotieaith Allance tothe National Insitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases showing os of body
‘weight (right) and viral load (left) of mice with humanized cells infected with the natural WIV1 viral strain and three
EcoMealthlab-reated virus strains. The viral load chart is presented in Log scale, meaning each tick of the graph
represents a 100-fold increase in viral load, Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright explained to the DCNF.
“Each tick in the chart on the right represents an increment of 100x,” Ebright told the DCNF. “The day 4 data show
greater than-10,000x higher vial loads or the lab-generated viruses.”
‘The viral load for humanized mice infected with the natural virus caught up with the lab-created strains by the end of
the experiment the chrt shows, but Ebrght sad that viral load inthe eary stags ofa infection are important
figures to consider when assessing pathogens transmissibility.
“ln terms of assessing potential for transmissibility, the irl load ata time points, particularly at erly ime points, is
relevant. (see Delta variant),” Ebright told the DCNF.
EcotealthAllance provided another chat in ts progress report showing that humanized ice nected with
EcoHealth's lab-created viruses lost more bodyweight than humanized mice infected with the natural WIV1 strain.
In comparison, the viral load for people infected with the delta variant is roughly 1,000 times higher than those
infected with the original strain of the virus, according to Nature science journal.
Ebrght added on Twitter that the gain of funtion research activity that NIAID allowed EcoNeslth lance t conduct in
China could have yielded the virus that causes COVID-19 or a progenitor of that virus,
EcoHealth Alliance first notified the NIAID it created the three lab-generated SARS-related coronaviruses in a progress
report detailing its research activities between June 2017 and May 2018.
“Using the reverse genetic mthods we previously developed, infectious clones with the WIV backbone and the spike
protein of SHCDL4, WIVAE and Rs4231, respectively, were consiructed and recombinant viruses were successfully
rescue” the group said nit progress report. 2 and days post infection, the ral load in ung issues of mice
Challenge ith WIVI-SHCO145, FWIVI-WIVL6S and rWIVI-RG42315... were significantly higher than that in IVA
infected mice.”
“These results demonstrate varying pathogenicity of SARS-CoV with diferent spike proteins in humanized mice,” the
report added.
EcoMealth Allance included a chart visualizing th increased viral lad of thei lab-creted viruses, Th charts
presented na Log scale meaning each tick of th chart represents a 100-old increas in ial load in mice with
‘humanized cells, Ebright explained to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Chants submited b Ecotieaith Allance tothe National Insitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases showing os of body
‘weight (right) and viral load (left) of mice with humanized cells infected with the natural WIV1 viral strain and three
EcoMealthlab-reated virus strains. The viral load chart is presented in Log scale, meaning each tick of the graph
represents a 100-fold increase in viral load, Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright explained to the DCNF.
“Each tick in the chart on the right represents an increment of 100x,” Ebright told the DCNF. “The day 4 data show
greater than-10,000x higher vial loads or the lab-generated viruses.”
‘The viral load for humanized mice infected with the natural virus caught up with the lab-created strains by the end of
the experiment the chrt shows, but Ebrght sad that viral load inthe eary stags ofa infection are important
figures to consider when assessing pathogens transmissibility.
“ln terms of assessing potential for transmissibility, the irl load ata time points, particularly at erly ime points, is
relevant. (see Delta variant),” Ebright told the DCNF.
EcotealthAllance provided another chat in ts progress report showing that humanized ice nected with
EcoHealth's lab-created viruses lost more bodyweight than humanized mice infected with the natural WIV1 strain.
EcoMeaith Alliance included the same two charts in a 2018 request to the NIAID requesting additional funding for ts
research in China, the document trove released by The Intercept shows.
Federal funding fo gain of function experiments that increase the transmissibility or pathogenicity of potential
pandemic pathogens was temporarily suspended in 2014 due to widespread scientific concerns t risked leaking
supercharged viruses nto the human population.
Funding for gain-of-function research was resumed in late 2017, but only for projects that went through the
new Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight (P3CO) Framework, which includes a review by an HHS
review board tasked with critical evaluating whether grants that involve enhancing dangerous pathogens, such 2s
coronaviruses, are worth th risks and that proper safeguards ae in place.
The NIAID opted not to flag the Ecoealth Alliance grant for PCO aftr determining on its own accord that the project
“gid not involve the enhancement of the pathogenicity or transmissbity of the viruses studied,” National Institutes
of Health spokesperson previously told the DCHF. (RELATED: US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat Based
Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says
Fauci said during a congressional hearing in May that the NIH and NIAID “categorically has not funded gain-of-function
research to be conducted atthe Wuhan Institute of Virology,” a claim that ed Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky in
July to send a criminal referral tothe Department of Justice to investigate whether Faucilied before Congress.
The P3CO framework defines an “enhanced potential pandemic pathogen as any lab-<reated virus that exhibits any
level of boosted transmissibility and/or virulence. Funding agencies such as the NIAID are required to flag any research
rant thatis “reasonably anticipated to create, transfer, or use enhanced PPPs” fo P3CO review.
Despite tis, documents released by The Intercept suggest that the NIAID authorized EcoHealth Alliance to conduct
gain-of-function experiments on bat coronalruses up to certain threshold.
The NIAID informed EcoMealth Alliance n a June 2018 award notice that it must notify the agency only fit creates a
virus “with enhanced growth by more than [10 times] compared to wildtype strains,” according to documents released
by The Intercept. The NIAID inked to the P3CO review process, which contains no such mention of a 10 times
allowance, in the very next sentence, the document shows.
NIAID notice to EcoHealth Allance in June 2018 saying t must notify the agency only iit produces a ab virus that
exhibits more than 10 times enhancement over wild-type strais. (screenshot)
EcoMeaith Alliance included the same two charts in a 2018 request to the NIAID requesting additional funding for ts
research in China, the document trove released by The Intercept shows.
Federal funding fo gain of function experiments that increase the transmissibility or pathogenicity of potential
pandemic pathogens was temporarily suspended in 2014 due to widespread scientific concerns t risked leaking
supercharged viruses nto the human population.
Funding for gain-of-function research was resumed in late 2017, but only for projects that went through the
new Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight (P3CO) Framework, which includes a review by an HHS
review board tasked with critical evaluating whether grants that involve enhancing dangerous pathogens, such 2s
coronaviruses, are worth th risks and that proper safeguards ae in place.
The NIAID opted not to flag the Ecoealth Alliance grant for PCO aftr determining on its own accord that the project
“gid not involve the enhancement of the pathogenicity or transmissbity of the viruses studied,” National Institutes
of Health spokesperson previously told the DCHF. (RELATED: US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat Based
Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says
Fauci said during a congressional hearing in May that the NIH and NIAID “categorically has not funded gain-of-function
research to be conducted atthe Wuhan Institute of Virology,” a claim that ed Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky in
July to send a criminal referral tothe Department of Justice to investigate whether Faucilied before Congress.
The P3CO framework defines an “enhanced potential pandemic pathogen as any lab-<reated virus that exhibits any
level of boosted transmissibility and/or virulence. Funding agencies such as the NIAID are required to flag any research
rant thatis “reasonably anticipated to create, transfer, or use enhanced PPPs” fo P3CO review.
Despite tis, documents released by The Intercept suggest that the NIAID authorized EcoHealth Alliance to conduct
gain-of-function experiments on bat coronalruses up to certain threshold.
The NIAID informed EcoMealth Alliance n a June 2018 award notice that it must notify the agency only fit creates a
virus “with enhanced growth by more than [10 times] compared to wildtype strains,” according to documents released
by The Intercept. The NIAID inked to the P3CO review process, which contains no such mention of a 10 times
allowance, in the very next sentence, the document shows.
NIAID notice to EcoHealth Allance in June 2018 saying t must notify the agency only iit produces a ab virus that
exhibits more than 10 times enhancement over wild-type strais. (screenshot)
Jn sehen the CHF ho sgn “eer proved any ress it wold ke roads oe
body of science produced by this research demonstrates that the bat coronavirus sequences published from that work
Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can
provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please
Tomnenanne E—
Jn sehen the CHF ho sgn “eer proved any ress it wold ke roads oe
body of science produced by this research demonstrates that the bat coronavirus sequences published from that work
Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can
provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please
Tomnenanne E—
‘Rasmussen, Angie’ {ENS Robert Kessler
‘stephen Goldstein’ INN
‘Subject: RE: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs.
That's interesting about esse Bloom 1 wasn't aware of that work and hacht reall heard of him before this year to be
honest. | suspect that ike many people is view of his own research is tht i's highly professionally managed and
carefully controlled re. biosafety. He clearly has a different view of the work at WIV & by other leading Chinese.
Scientists and seems suspicous of their motive in many of his public comments. This can't be based on thir published
Work — s often excellent. It ust sees like a cifficulty people have teasing apart their viewpoint about the Chinese
Govt from their opinion about individual scientists. Anyons who's been on the ground in China rapidly realizes that the
two are no the same.
Peter Dastak
Ecoteaith Alance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
Tel. I
Website: uw ecoheaithaliance org
Twitter: @peterDaszak
Ecoealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
From: Garry, Robert F
Sent: Wechesday, September 8, 2021 4:12 PM
To: Peter Daszak NN isizn G. Andersen
Ce: David Morens| Edward Holmes Jason Gale
Rasmussen, Angie Rober: Kessler
EE Sen Goldstein NE
Subject: Re: The Intercept report on coronairus research at Chinese labs
‘Rasmussen, Angie’ {ENS Robert Kessler
‘stephen Goldstein’ INN
‘Subject: RE: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs.
That's interesting about esse Bloom 1 wasn't aware of that work and hacht reall heard of him before this year to be
honest. | suspect that ike many people is view of his own research is tht i's highly professionally managed and
carefully controlled re. biosafety. He clearly has a different view of the work at WIV & by other leading Chinese.
Scientists and seems suspicous of their motive in many of his public comments. This can't be based on thir published
Work — s often excellent. It ust sees like a cifficulty people have teasing apart their viewpoint about the Chinese
Govt from their opinion about individual scientists. Anyons who's been on the ground in China rapidly realizes that the
two are no the same.
Peter Dastak
Ecoteaith Alance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
Tel. I
Website: uw ecoheaithaliance org
Twitter: @peterDaszak
Ecoealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
From: Garry, Robert F
Sent: Wechesday, September 8, 2021 4:12 PM
To: Peter Daszak NN isizn G. Andersen
Ce: David Morens| Edward Holmes Jason Gale
Rasmussen, Angie Rober: Kessler
EE Sen Goldstein NE
Subject: Re: The Intercept report on coronairus research at Chinese labs
Sy cto Tesla Tnsnta Mammon oon
om —————
quite a number that could be considered “risky” at least by a Relman/Ebright definition. Selecting drug resistant
From: pcr Dor:
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 2:49 PM
“To: Kristian Andersen|
Co Davoren Rc Edward Hones
_ rr
A ober Kessler Stephen Goldstein
_____ _ __]
Subject: RE: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs
B eT
a A RAN ek
a —_——
show one of the chimeras having more than a log virus output than the parent strain (WIV-1). The NoA was updated in
because they now have a copy of our “report to NIH” in which we show this, but of course that's not going to stop
Er a
a er gh
Sy cto Tesla Tnsnta Mammon oon
om —————
quite a number that could be considered “risky” at least by a Relman/Ebright definition. Selecting drug resistant
From: pcr Dor:
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 2:49 PM
“To: Kristian Andersen|
Co Davoren Rc Edward Hones
_ rr
A ober Kessler Stephen Goldstein
_____ _ __]
Subject: RE: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs
B eT
a A RAN ek
a —_——
show one of the chimeras having more than a log virus output than the parent strain (WIV-1). The NoA was updated in
because they now have a copy of our “report to NIH” in which we show this, but of course that's not going to stop
Er a
a er gh
EcoHealth Allance
520 ighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
Website: un ecohealthaliance org
Twitter: @PoterDaszak
[RE ——
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 1030 PW
To: Peter Dasza IN
Ce Dovel Morons EES; Gory, ober: SN vor Holmes
oson Ge Rasmussen, Angie
Bert Keser 3 Stephen Goldstein
Sueject: Se The Intercept report om coronavirus research at Chinese las
16s harassment, plan and simple it has absolutely nothing do with tying o find the ruth of how SARS-
CoV-2 emerged in the human population.
The way I see it though, we now have a) the entire US IC having completed their investigation, (5) unredacted
grants and annual reports from EcoHealth, and (c) old theses from the WIV.
‘This is exactly the type of information that Ebright, Metzl, Relman, Bloom, Chan, and the rest of the lot have
been requesting. Now this work has been completed, what was unearthed? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. No evidence
of the virus (or sequence) at the WIV (or anywhere else) prior to the pandemic. No gain-of-function work
(despite what Ebright says). The same cloning system used again and again (WIV). Vero cells used for virus
isolation (SARS-CoV-2 loses the FCS in those cells), and no previously unreported viruses isolated (although 1
EcoHealth Allance
520 ighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
Website: un ecohealthaliance org
Twitter: @PoterDaszak
[RE ——
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 1030 PW
To: Peter Dasza IN
Ce Dovel Morons EES; Gory, ober: SN vor Holmes
oson Ge Rasmussen, Angie
Bert Keser 3 Stephen Goldstein
Sueject: Se The Intercept report om coronavirus research at Chinese las
16s harassment, plan and simple it has absolutely nothing do with tying o find the ruth of how SARS-
CoV-2 emerged in the human population.
The way I see it though, we now have a) the entire US IC having completed their investigation, (5) unredacted
grants and annual reports from EcoHealth, and (c) old theses from the WIV.
‘This is exactly the type of information that Ebright, Metzl, Relman, Bloom, Chan, and the rest of the lot have
been requesting. Now this work has been completed, what was unearthed? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. No evidence
of the virus (or sequence) at the WIV (or anywhere else) prior to the pandemic. No gain-of-function work
(despite what Ebright says). The same cloning system used again and again (WIV). Vero cells used for virus
isolation (SARS-CoV-2 loses the FCS in those cells), and no previously unreported viruses isolated (although 1
note the repeated use of "isolates" in one of the annual reports to describe 11 samples - 1 myself have made that
mistake before). So again, there's nothing,
“This absence of evidence is in fact evidence of absence in this particular case - there would have been
some evidence for SARS-CoV-2 in some of these documents had it been at the WIV. Yet, nothing.
As for GOF work, again nothing. I note the mention of work with recombinant MERS in the year 3 report for
work proposed in year 4 - depending on the nature of work, that could be considered GOF/DURC. However,
when reading the year 4 report, I don't see any of that work mentioned - just work with pseudotyped viruses,
which is clearly not GOF (or URC)
OF course, people will take stuff out of context to make anyihing fit a particular narrative. However, there's an
expiration date on bullshit and I suspect we're well past due.
On'Tus, Sep 7,2021 a1 628 PM Peer Das J
Here's one of the “journalists” who got the “Scoop. Basically they just FolA'd NIH, then sued when NIH refused to
release, then dumped the documents online and asked for “people with relevant expertise to get n touch’. Cue Drs.
Ebright, Relman, Chan, Bloom and others to start thei attempt at a character assassination.
Mara Histendah
NEW: We obtained hundreds of pages from NIH detaling Ecokeaith Alliance's work with the Wuhan Institute of
Virology. We are publishing them in full. With
@fastlerner and @theintercept legal team, which filed a FOIA lawsuit for the documents’ release
note the repeated use of "isolates" in one of the annual reports to describe 11 samples - 1 myself have made that
mistake before). So again, there's nothing,
“This absence of evidence is in fact evidence of absence in this particular case - there would have been
some evidence for SARS-CoV-2 in some of these documents had it been at the WIV. Yet, nothing.
As for GOF work, again nothing. I note the mention of work with recombinant MERS in the year 3 report for
work proposed in year 4 - depending on the nature of work, that could be considered GOF/DURC. However,
when reading the year 4 report, I don't see any of that work mentioned - just work with pseudotyped viruses,
which is clearly not GOF (or URC)
OF course, people will take stuff out of context to make anyihing fit a particular narrative. However, there's an
expiration date on bullshit and I suspect we're well past due.
On'Tus, Sep 7,2021 a1 628 PM Peer Das J
Here's one of the “journalists” who got the “Scoop. Basically they just FolA'd NIH, then sued when NIH refused to
release, then dumped the documents online and asked for “people with relevant expertise to get n touch’. Cue Drs.
Ebright, Relman, Chan, Bloom and others to start thei attempt at a character assassination.
Mara Histendah
NEW: We obtained hundreds of pages from NIH detaling Ecokeaith Alliance's work with the Wuhan Institute of
Virology. We are publishing them in full. With
@fastlerner and @theintercept legal team, which filed a FOIA lawsuit for the documents’ release
New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab
More than 900 pages of material related to US. funded coronavirus research in China were released following 3 FOIA
Iawsuit by The Intercept.
‘Mara Huistendahl
15h The full documents are here: “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence”
:// /21055989-understanding-i ruses rant notice.
“Understanding Rsk of Zoonotic Virus Emergence in Emerging Infectious Disease Hotspots of Southeast Asia”
hitps/ documents 21055988 risk zoonotic virus hotspots grant notice.
New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab
More than 900 pages of material related to US. funded coronavirus research in China were released following 3 FOIA
Iawsuit by The Intercept.
‘Mara Huistendahl
15h The full documents are here: “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence”
:// /21055989-understanding-i ruses rant notice.
“Understanding Rsk of Zoonotic Virus Emergence in Emerging Infectious Disease Hotspots of Southeast Asia”
hitps/ documents 21055988 risk zoonotic virus hotspots grant notice.
Maa tend
eter Dasa
Eoelt Allance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
NewYork, NY 100186507
To. I
Weinteryomscteatbatins rg
Twitter: @PeterDaszak
EcoHealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
Maa tend
eter Dasa
Eoelt Allance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
NewYork, NY 100186507
To. I
Weinteryomscteatbatins rg
Twitter: @PeterDaszak
EcoHealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
rom: David iorens I
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 9:07 PM
Tor Peter Deszak EEEEG——
Ce: Gary, Robert F eisian G. Andersen. Edvard Holmes
Jason Gale obert Kessler
Subject: Re: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs
Do not rule out suing these assholes for slander. d
Sent from my iPhone
David M Morens
On Sep7,2021,a12039, Peter Dose | ~ <
To be honest, this whole process is beyond a joke. We're spending. huge amount of staff time dealing with the 85
from these Fo requests even though the grant's been terminated, suspended and funds are stil unavailable.
The lab leakers are already string up bullshit ins of attack that will bring more negative publicity our way — whichis
what thisis about - 3 way o line up the GoF attack on Fauci or the risky research attack onal of us.
Jesse Bloor now tying to claim we weren't following our proposed rules for data release (not true — all SARS-CoV.
RaRp sequences on Genbank in summer 2020, despite the grant being terminated) he's tagaing Alina Chan and The.
Seoker' on Twitter. Ebrights tying to lm we were working on MERS az shadow’ line of work. Therell be more to
come - justa free foral effort to find a few sentences tat they ca take out of context.
Peter Daszak
Ecotealth Alliance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018.6507
rom: David iorens I
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 9:07 PM
Tor Peter Deszak EEEEG——
Ce: Gary, Robert F eisian G. Andersen. Edvard Holmes
Jason Gale obert Kessler
Subject: Re: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs
Do not rule out suing these assholes for slander. d
Sent from my iPhone
David M Morens
On Sep7,2021,a12039, Peter Dose | ~ <
To be honest, this whole process is beyond a joke. We're spending. huge amount of staff time dealing with the 85
from these Fo requests even though the grant's been terminated, suspended and funds are stil unavailable.
The lab leakers are already string up bullshit ins of attack that will bring more negative publicity our way — whichis
what thisis about - 3 way o line up the GoF attack on Fauci or the risky research attack onal of us.
Jesse Bloor now tying to claim we weren't following our proposed rules for data release (not true — all SARS-CoV.
RaRp sequences on Genbank in summer 2020, despite the grant being terminated) he's tagaing Alina Chan and The.
Seoker' on Twitter. Ebrights tying to lm we were working on MERS az shadow’ line of work. Therell be more to
come - justa free foral effort to find a few sentences tat they ca take out of context.
Peter Daszak
Ecotealth Alliance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018.6507
ol. I
Website: nw
Twitter: @PeterDaszak
EcoMealth Alliance develops science-based solutions t prevent pandemics and promote conservation
rom: Garry, Robert - INN
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 8:08 PM
To: Kristian G. Andersen SESS £dward Holmes
Cas lason Gale angela rasmussen dos
dmoren ester 202562 QE
Subloct: hehe Intercept report on coronavirus research a Chinese labs
Totally that the real story of the FOIAed grants «no SC2 or anything close that could have been converted
Metal, Chan and others wanted a forensic investigation. The grants that they thought would be private and
written before the pandemic do not mention a new SARS-like virus. YOu can be sure that a new virus 76%
similar to SC1 would have been front and center in the applications and progress reports.
My guess this Is part of the info the IC used to conclude no bioweapon, likely no engineering - NO SC2 before
the pandemic. Tnis Gof debate now very clearly has nothing to do with the orgin of SC2.
ol. I
Website: nw
Twitter: @PeterDaszak
EcoMealth Alliance develops science-based solutions t prevent pandemics and promote conservation
rom: Garry, Robert - INN
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 8:08 PM
To: Kristian G. Andersen SESS £dward Holmes
Cas lason Gale angela rasmussen dos
dmoren ester 202562 QE
Subloct: hehe Intercept report on coronavirus research a Chinese labs
Totally that the real story of the FOIAed grants «no SC2 or anything close that could have been converted
Metal, Chan and others wanted a forensic investigation. The grants that they thought would be private and
written before the pandemic do not mention a new SARS-like virus. YOu can be sure that a new virus 76%
similar to SC1 would have been front and center in the applications and progress reports.
My guess this Is part of the info the IC used to conclude no bioweapon, likely no engineering - NO SC2 before
the pandemic. Tnis Gof debate now very clearly has nothing to do with the orgin of SC2.
Snore links, attachments and request
Fi tart Sodor, Bo vate, atch an ces,
po a
It is just so tedious and so bloody stupid.
Other than the abuse, the worst thing is every day that goes by, and the more shit that is thrown, the less likely
we are of finding out what rally happened
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases & Biosecurity,
School of Lie & Environmenal Sciences and School of Medical Sciencs,
‘The University of Sydney | Sydney | NSW | 2006 | Australia
© I
On10 Sep 2021, at 3:17 pm, Jason Gale (8L00MBERG/ NEWSRo0M:) [=
Well done, Angie, for being a voice of reason. I'm Sorry my profession
seems intent on piling on you, David, Personaily, I find this whole line
of inquiry incredibly boring. Hope you're able to switch off soon and get
sone zest. Jason
From: daszak At: 09/10/21 15:09:54 UICH0:00
sumjectr TE ET Ton out.
Snore links, attachments and request
Fi tart Sodor, Bo vate, atch an ces,
po a
It is just so tedious and so bloody stupid.
Other than the abuse, the worst thing is every day that goes by, and the more shit that is thrown, the less likely
we are of finding out what rally happened
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases & Biosecurity,
School of Lie & Environmenal Sciences and School of Medical Sciencs,
‘The University of Sydney | Sydney | NSW | 2006 | Australia
© I
On10 Sep 2021, at 3:17 pm, Jason Gale (8L00MBERG/ NEWSRo0M:) [=
Well done, Angie, for being a voice of reason. I'm Sorry my profession
seems intent on piling on you, David, Personaily, I find this whole line
of inquiry incredibly boring. Hope you're able to switch off soon and get
sone zest. Jason
From: daszak At: 09/10/21 15:09:54 UICH0:00
sumjectr TE ET Ton out.
Really appreciate you speaking out Angie. us rea the piece in the Intercept and ifs very
upsetting: bttps:/theintercept com/2021/03/09/covc-orgins-gain-of function research)
What you saidis correct without evidence of abiltytoinfect people, or transmit even rom one animal to another, t
ant possibly meet the NIH definition of GoF, whichis now offically the P3CO definition as follows
(from pdf):
Section Il. Scope and Definitions For the purposes of this HHS P3CO Framework:
A. A potential pandemic pathogen (PPP) is a pathogen that satisfies both of the following:
1.ltis likely highly transmissible and likely capable of wide and uncontrollable spread in
human populations; and
2.1tis likely highly virulent and likely to cause significant morbidity and/or mortality in
B. An enhanced PPP is
defined as a PPP resulting from the enhancement of the transmissibility and/or virulence of
a pathogen. Enhanced PPPs do not include naturally occurring pathogens that
are circulating in or have been recovered from nature, regardless of their pandemic potential
How on any planet is a bat CoV thats never been seen in people, “kel highly transmissible and likely capable of wide
and uncantrolabie spread in human popuiations”? It sees the scientists that believed tis to be Gof base it on one.
of the chimeras growing faster than the parental strain early on, while forgetting that 1) these are bat viruses have never
been shown to infect people, or tha, as you say Angie — the growth ate of th parental strain caught up with t by the
end of the exp. fm. disappointed that Vincent Racaniello s one of these scientists — he should know better
Fm hoping that more willspeak out and pint tothe differences between their version of what GoF is, and the actual
definition that we're all supposed to adhere to, and by the way that NIH uses as the agency of note to decide!
U.S.-funded experiments in China posed biosafety risks but
did not cause Covid-19 pandemic, scientists say.
<Mail Attachment peg>-<Mail Attachment peg> <Mail Atachment.peg>
Sharon Lerner, Mara Hyistendah], Maia Wibbett
Really appreciate you speaking out Angie. us rea the piece in the Intercept and ifs very
upsetting: bttps:/theintercept com/2021/03/09/covc-orgins-gain-of function research)
What you saidis correct without evidence of abiltytoinfect people, or transmit even rom one animal to another, t
ant possibly meet the NIH definition of GoF, whichis now offically the P3CO definition as follows
(from pdf):
Section Il. Scope and Definitions For the purposes of this HHS P3CO Framework:
A. A potential pandemic pathogen (PPP) is a pathogen that satisfies both of the following:
1.ltis likely highly transmissible and likely capable of wide and uncontrollable spread in
human populations; and
2.1tis likely highly virulent and likely to cause significant morbidity and/or mortality in
B. An enhanced PPP is
defined as a PPP resulting from the enhancement of the transmissibility and/or virulence of
a pathogen. Enhanced PPPs do not include naturally occurring pathogens that
are circulating in or have been recovered from nature, regardless of their pandemic potential
How on any planet is a bat CoV thats never been seen in people, “kel highly transmissible and likely capable of wide
and uncantrolabie spread in human popuiations”? It sees the scientists that believed tis to be Gof base it on one.
of the chimeras growing faster than the parental strain early on, while forgetting that 1) these are bat viruses have never
been shown to infect people, or tha, as you say Angie — the growth ate of th parental strain caught up with t by the
end of the exp. fm. disappointed that Vincent Racaniello s one of these scientists — he should know better
Fm hoping that more willspeak out and pint tothe differences between their version of what GoF is, and the actual
definition that we're all supposed to adhere to, and by the way that NIH uses as the agency of note to decide!
U.S.-funded experiments in China posed biosafety risks but
did not cause Covid-19 pandemic, scientists say.
<Mail Attachment peg>-<Mail Attachment peg> <Mail Atachment.peg>
Sharon Lerner, Mara Hyistendah], Maia Wibbett
DOCUMENTS OBTAINED BY The Intercept contain new evidence that the
Wuhan Institute of Virology and the nearby Wuhan University Center for
Animal Experiment, along with their collaborator, the U.S.-based nonprofit
EcoHealth Alliance, have engaged in what the U.S. government defines as “gain-
of-function research of concern,” intentionally making viruses more pathogenic
or transmissible in order to study them, despite stipulations from a U.S. funding
agency that the money not be used for that purpose.
Grant money for the controversial experiment came from the National Institutes
of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is
headed by Anthony Fauci. The award to EcoHealth Alliance, a research
organization which studies the spread of viruses from animals to humans,
included subawards to Wuhan Institute of Virology and East China Normal
University. The principal investigator on the grant is EcoHealth Alliance
President Peter Daszak, who has been a key voice in the search for Covid-19’s
Scientists unanimously told The Intercept that the experiment, which involved
infecting genetically engineered mice with “chimeric” hybrid viruses, could not
have directly sparked the pandemic. None of the viruses listed in the write-ups
of the experiment are related to the virus that causes Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2,
closely enough to have evolved into it. Still, several scientists said the new
information, which the NIH released after it was sued by The Intercept, points
to biosafety concerns, highlighting a general lack of oversight for research on
pathogens and raising questions about what other information has not been
publicly disclosed.
“As a virologist, I personally think creating chimeras of SARS-related bat
coronaviruses that are thought to pose high risk to humans entails unacceptable
risks,” said Jesse Bloom, who studies the evolution of viruses at the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Severe acute respiratory syndrome, or
SARS, is a disease caused, like Covid-19, by an airborne coronavirus.
<Mail Attachment jpeg>
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci listens during a
briefing on the coronavirus pandemic at the White House on March 26, 2020 in Washington, OC.
‘The experiment also raises questions about assertions from Fauci and NTH
Director Francis Collins that NIH-funded projects at the Wuhan Institute of
Virology did not involve gain-of-function research. In May, Fauci testified before
Congress: “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function
| Ty
DOCUMENTS OBTAINED BY The Intercept contain new evidence that the
Wuhan Institute of Virology and the nearby Wuhan University Center for
Animal Experiment, along with their collaborator, the U.S.-based nonprofit
EcoHealth Alliance, have engaged in what the U.S. government defines as “gain-
of-function research of concern,” intentionally making viruses more pathogenic
or transmissible in order to study them, despite stipulations from a U.S. funding
agency that the money not be used for that purpose.
Grant money for the controversial experiment came from the National Institutes
of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is
headed by Anthony Fauci. The award to EcoHealth Alliance, a research
organization which studies the spread of viruses from animals to humans,
included subawards to Wuhan Institute of Virology and East China Normal
University. The principal investigator on the grant is EcoHealth Alliance
President Peter Daszak, who has been a key voice in the search for Covid-19’s
Scientists unanimously told The Intercept that the experiment, which involved
infecting genetically engineered mice with “chimeric” hybrid viruses, could not
have directly sparked the pandemic. None of the viruses listed in the write-ups
of the experiment are related to the virus that causes Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2,
closely enough to have evolved into it. Still, several scientists said the new
information, which the NIH released after it was sued by The Intercept, points
to biosafety concerns, highlighting a general lack of oversight for research on
pathogens and raising questions about what other information has not been
publicly disclosed.
“As a virologist, I personally think creating chimeras of SARS-related bat
coronaviruses that are thought to pose high risk to humans entails unacceptable
risks,” said Jesse Bloom, who studies the evolution of viruses at the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Severe acute respiratory syndrome, or
SARS, is a disease caused, like Covid-19, by an airborne coronavirus.
<Mail Attachment jpeg>
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci listens during a
briefing on the coronavirus pandemic at the White House on March 26, 2020 in Washington, OC.
‘The experiment also raises questions about assertions from Fauci and NTH
Director Francis Collins that NIH-funded projects at the Wuhan Institute of
Virology did not involve gain-of-function research. In May, Fauci testified before
Congress: “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function
| Ty
research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” The documents do not establish
whether Fauci was directly aware of the work.
Scientists working under a 2014 NIH grant to the EcoHealth Alliance to study
bat coronaviruses combined the genetic material from a “parent” coronavirus
known as WIV1 with other viruses. They twice submitted summaries of their
work that showed that, when in the lungs of genetically engineered mice, three
altered bat coronaviruses at times reproduced far more quickly than the original
virus on which they were based. The altered viruses were also somewhat more
pathogenic, with one causing the mice to lose significant weight. The
researchers reported, “These results demonstrate varying pathogenicity of
SARSr-CoVs with different spike proteins in humanized mice.”
But the terms of the grant clearly stipulated that the funding could not be used
for gain-of-function experiments. The grant conditions also required the
researchers to immediately report potentially dangerous results and stop their
experiments pending further NIH review. According to both the EcoHealth
Alliance and NIH, the results were reported to the agency, but NTH determined
that rules designed to restrict gain-of-function research did not apply.
The Intercept consulted 11 scientists who are virologists or work in adjacent
fields and hold a range of views on both the ethics of gain-of-function research
and the Covid-19 origins search. Seven said that the work appears to meet NIH’s
criteria for gain-of-function research.
One said that the experiment “absolutely does not meet the bar” for gain-of-
function research. “You can’t predict that these viruses would be more
pathogenic, or even pathogenic at all in people,” said Angela Rasmussen, a
virologist with the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the
University of Saskatchewan. “They also did not study transmissibility at all in
these experiments,” meaning that the scientists did not look at whether the
viruses could spread across a population.
Three experts said that, while they did not have enough knowledge of U.S.
policies to comment on whether the research met NTH criteria, the experiment
involving humanized mice was unnecessarily risky.
One virologist, Vincent Racaniello, a professor of microbiology and immunology
at Columbia University, said while he considered the mouse experiment
described in the document to clearly fall into the gain-of-function category, he
didn’t see it as problematic. “You can do some kinds of gain-of-function
research that then has unforeseen consequences and may be a problem, but
that’s not the case here,” said Racaniello.
research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” The documents do not establish
whether Fauci was directly aware of the work.
Scientists working under a 2014 NIH grant to the EcoHealth Alliance to study
bat coronaviruses combined the genetic material from a “parent” coronavirus
known as WIV1 with other viruses. They twice submitted summaries of their
work that showed that, when in the lungs of genetically engineered mice, three
altered bat coronaviruses at times reproduced far more quickly than the original
virus on which they were based. The altered viruses were also somewhat more
pathogenic, with one causing the mice to lose significant weight. The
researchers reported, “These results demonstrate varying pathogenicity of
SARSr-CoVs with different spike proteins in humanized mice.”
But the terms of the grant clearly stipulated that the funding could not be used
for gain-of-function experiments. The grant conditions also required the
researchers to immediately report potentially dangerous results and stop their
experiments pending further NIH review. According to both the EcoHealth
Alliance and NIH, the results were reported to the agency, but NTH determined
that rules designed to restrict gain-of-function research did not apply.
The Intercept consulted 11 scientists who are virologists or work in adjacent
fields and hold a range of views on both the ethics of gain-of-function research
and the Covid-19 origins search. Seven said that the work appears to meet NIH’s
criteria for gain-of-function research.
One said that the experiment “absolutely does not meet the bar” for gain-of-
function research. “You can’t predict that these viruses would be more
pathogenic, or even pathogenic at all in people,” said Angela Rasmussen, a
virologist with the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the
University of Saskatchewan. “They also did not study transmissibility at all in
these experiments,” meaning that the scientists did not look at whether the
viruses could spread across a population.
Three experts said that, while they did not have enough knowledge of U.S.
policies to comment on whether the research met NTH criteria, the experiment
involving humanized mice was unnecessarily risky.
One virologist, Vincent Racaniello, a professor of microbiology and immunology
at Columbia University, said while he considered the mouse experiment
described in the document to clearly fall into the gain-of-function category, he
didn’t see it as problematic. “You can do some kinds of gain-of-function
research that then has unforeseen consequences and may be a problem, but
that’s not the case here,” said Racaniello.
Robert Kessler, communications manager for EcoHealth Alliance, denied that
the work on the humanized mice met the definition of gain-of-function research.
Kessler insisted that bat viruses are not potential pandemic pathogens because,
he said, “a bat virus is not known to be able to infect humans.” The proposal
justified the work on WIV1 by explaining that it is “not a select agent” —
referring to a list of closely monitored toxins and biological agents that have the
potential to pose a severe threat to public health — and “has not been shown to
cause human infections, and has not been shown to be transmissible between
But the group’s bat coronavirus research was focused on the very threat that bat
viruses pose to people. Kessler did acknowledge that, while the original bat
coronavirus in the experiment did not spread among humans, the research was
designed to gauge how bat coronaviruses could evolve to infect humans.
All but two of the scientists consulted agreed that, whatever title it is given, the
newly public experiment raised serious concerns about the safety and oversight
of federally funded research. “In my point of view, the debate about the
definition of ‘gain-of-function’ has been too much focused on technical aspects,”
said Jacques van Helden, a professor of bioinformatics at Aix-Marseille
Université. “The real question is whether or not research has the potential to
create or facilitate the selection of viruses that might infect humans.” The
experiments described in the proposal clearly do have that potential, he said.
NIH spokesperson Elizabeth Deatrick said that the agency had considered the
research — and decided not to restrict it under its own rules. “In 2016, NIAID
determined that the work was not subject to the Gain-of-Function (GoF)
research funding pause and the subsequent HHS P3CO Framework,” Deatrick
wrote, referring to criteria put in place in 2017 to guide the agency’s funding
decisions about research that involves, or is reasonably anticipated to involve,
potential pandemic pathogens.
Republican members of Congress have alleged, without sufficient evidence, that
gain-of-function research in Wuhan sparked the coronavirus pandemic. As part
of an inquiry into the origins of the pandemic, they have twice grilled Fauci in
Congress on his role as NIAID director.
In a heated exchange in July, Republican Sen. Rand Paul accused Fauci of lying
when he claimed that NTH did not fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology.
Experts now say that the documents support the contention that NTH funded
gain-of-function work, though not in the specific instance where Paul alleged it.
“There’s no question,” said Racaniello, of Columbia University, who pointed to
boo 1752
Robert Kessler, communications manager for EcoHealth Alliance, denied that
the work on the humanized mice met the definition of gain-of-function research.
Kessler insisted that bat viruses are not potential pandemic pathogens because,
he said, “a bat virus is not known to be able to infect humans.” The proposal
justified the work on WIV1 by explaining that it is “not a select agent” —
referring to a list of closely monitored toxins and biological agents that have the
potential to pose a severe threat to public health — and “has not been shown to
cause human infections, and has not been shown to be transmissible between
But the group’s bat coronavirus research was focused on the very threat that bat
viruses pose to people. Kessler did acknowledge that, while the original bat
coronavirus in the experiment did not spread among humans, the research was
designed to gauge how bat coronaviruses could evolve to infect humans.
All but two of the scientists consulted agreed that, whatever title it is given, the
newly public experiment raised serious concerns about the safety and oversight
of federally funded research. “In my point of view, the debate about the
definition of ‘gain-of-function’ has been too much focused on technical aspects,”
said Jacques van Helden, a professor of bioinformatics at Aix-Marseille
Université. “The real question is whether or not research has the potential to
create or facilitate the selection of viruses that might infect humans.” The
experiments described in the proposal clearly do have that potential, he said.
NIH spokesperson Elizabeth Deatrick said that the agency had considered the
research — and decided not to restrict it under its own rules. “In 2016, NIAID
determined that the work was not subject to the Gain-of-Function (GoF)
research funding pause and the subsequent HHS P3CO Framework,” Deatrick
wrote, referring to criteria put in place in 2017 to guide the agency’s funding
decisions about research that involves, or is reasonably anticipated to involve,
potential pandemic pathogens.
Republican members of Congress have alleged, without sufficient evidence, that
gain-of-function research in Wuhan sparked the coronavirus pandemic. As part
of an inquiry into the origins of the pandemic, they have twice grilled Fauci in
Congress on his role as NIAID director.
In a heated exchange in July, Republican Sen. Rand Paul accused Fauci of lying
when he claimed that NTH did not fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology.
Experts now say that the documents support the contention that NTH funded
gain-of-function work, though not in the specific instance where Paul alleged it.
“There’s no question,” said Racaniello, of Columbia University, who pointed to
boo 1752
the decreased weight of the mice infected with the chimeric viruses that was
described in the research summaries sent to NIH. “From the weight loss, it's
gain of function. Tony Fauci is wrong saying it’s not.”
But the documents do not prove Paul's claim that Fauci was lying, as they do not
make clear whether Fauci read them. Nor do they in any way support Paul’s
allegation that Fauci was “responsible for 4 million people around the world
dying of a pandemic” — or that anyone intentionally caused Covid-19. What is
clear is that program officers at NIAID, the agency that Fauci oversees, did
know about the research.
A paragraph describing the research, as well as two figures illustrating its
results, were included in both a 2018 progress report on the bat coronavirus
grant and an application for its 2019 renewal. And NIH confirmed that it
reviewed them.
“NIH has never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more
dangerous to humans,” the agency said in a statement, echoing remarks by
Collins, the NIH director, posted to its website in May. “The research we
supported in China, where coronaviruses are prevalent, sought to understand
the behavior of coronaviruses circulating in bats that have the potential to cause
widespread disease.” Similar research funded by NTH had aided in the
development of vaccines against the coronavirus, the statement continued.
‘The White House did not respond to questions about the research.
Pater Daszak
EcoHealth Allance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
the decreased weight of the mice infected with the chimeric viruses that was
described in the research summaries sent to NIH. “From the weight loss, it's
gain of function. Tony Fauci is wrong saying it’s not.”
But the documents do not prove Paul's claim that Fauci was lying, as they do not
make clear whether Fauci read them. Nor do they in any way support Paul’s
allegation that Fauci was “responsible for 4 million people around the world
dying of a pandemic” — or that anyone intentionally caused Covid-19. What is
clear is that program officers at NIAID, the agency that Fauci oversees, did
know about the research.
A paragraph describing the research, as well as two figures illustrating its
results, were included in both a 2018 progress report on the bat coronavirus
grant and an application for its 2019 renewal. And NIH confirmed that it
reviewed them.
“NIH has never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more
dangerous to humans,” the agency said in a statement, echoing remarks by
Collins, the NIH director, posted to its website in May. “The research we
supported in China, where coronaviruses are prevalent, sought to understand
the behavior of coronaviruses circulating in bats that have the potential to cause
widespread disease.” Similar research funded by NTH had aided in the
development of vaccines against the coronavirus, the statement continued.
‘The White House did not respond to questions about the research.
Pater Daszak
EcoHealth Allance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
Twitter: @PeterDasak
Ecoealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
rom: Kristian G. Andersen JENN
Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2021 8:13 PM
To: David Soren J
Cc: Rasmussen, Angie] peter Doszak Garry, Robert F
f Cavard Home: ozo Gale Robert
Kessler Stephen Goldstein
Subject: Re: here's the latest line of attack today.
"she’s talked to 10 virologists or “people in adjacent fields” for her follow-up"
If she had in fact done that, she'd realize there'd be no news and no need for a second article -
except to say “nothing to see here, move along".
On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 4:28 PM David Morens | ote:
Amen and good for you! You are right that Ebright and his ik are not only NOT experts but are
harmful demogogues. They need to be called out. Because i am in govemmenti can only fo this
off the record, but have done do again and again. Some of them are knowingly promoting false
equivalences. If they interviewed a Holocaust survivor, they would say they have to give equal time
and space to a Nazi murderer. They have no shame. d
Sent from my iPhone
David M Morens
On Sep 9, 2021, at 18:40, Rasmussen, Angie | ERE =:
Pater and all
1am so sorry you are still going through all of this. For what it's worth, | broke my rule of talking to
disingenuous journalists and sent Mara Hvistendahl a long email teling her exactly what think of
the “experts” she’s talked to and setting the record straight about what these FOIA reports
supposedly show. From what | can see, they show that you were reporting your work appropriately
to NIH as required, the work itself was done in appropriate biocontainment, and, importantly, you
didn't have SARS-CoV-2 or a progenitor. | also explained that previous work was published with
WIV1 chimeras and that this type of study precludes doing more dangerous (and technically very
difficult) virus isolation
Twitter: @PeterDasak
Ecoealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
rom: Kristian G. Andersen JENN
Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2021 8:13 PM
To: David Soren J
Cc: Rasmussen, Angie] peter Doszak Garry, Robert F
f Cavard Home: ozo Gale Robert
Kessler Stephen Goldstein
Subject: Re: here's the latest line of attack today.
"she’s talked to 10 virologists or “people in adjacent fields” for her follow-up"
If she had in fact done that, she'd realize there'd be no news and no need for a second article -
except to say “nothing to see here, move along".
On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 4:28 PM David Morens | ote:
Amen and good for you! You are right that Ebright and his ik are not only NOT experts but are
harmful demogogues. They need to be called out. Because i am in govemmenti can only fo this
off the record, but have done do again and again. Some of them are knowingly promoting false
equivalences. If they interviewed a Holocaust survivor, they would say they have to give equal time
and space to a Nazi murderer. They have no shame. d
Sent from my iPhone
David M Morens
On Sep 9, 2021, at 18:40, Rasmussen, Angie | ERE =:
Pater and all
1am so sorry you are still going through all of this. For what it's worth, | broke my rule of talking to
disingenuous journalists and sent Mara Hvistendahl a long email teling her exactly what think of
the “experts” she’s talked to and setting the record straight about what these FOIA reports
supposedly show. From what | can see, they show that you were reporting your work appropriately
to NIH as required, the work itself was done in appropriate biocontainment, and, importantly, you
didn't have SARS-CoV-2 or a progenitor. | also explained that previous work was published with
WIV1 chimeras and that this type of study precludes doing more dangerous (and technically very
difficult) virus isolation
‘She wanted to know whether | agreed with her two sources (likely Alina Chan or Richard Ebright,
based on her prior story) that this fits the definition of GoF by NIH and | told her no and explained at
length why not and the assertions that it was should disqualify any supposed “expert”. Took every
opportunity to dunk on their amateurish, disingenuous bullshit, while also emphasizing the
importance of this work. Mara wrote back defensively, claiming she’s talked to 10 virologists or
“people in adjacent fields” for her follow-up. | am not optimistic that the follow-up will be more.
balanced, but | did try to provide some juicy quotes about how her “experts” actually have no
expertise, and emphasized the profound damage these people have done to this essential research
They make all of us less safe.
Hang in there. Ultimately the truth will come out and it's not going to be from the likes of the Daily
Caller's inability to interpret virology data or from Jesse Bloom and all the grifters and conspiracy
theorists populating the rabbit hole that he's crawied down.
AogelaL Rasmussen, 7.0.
Resour Soar
Vasco and Infectious Diseass Organization V10O)
Unversy of Sssaichouan
Orcs Ra
<Mail Attachment png>
On Sep, 2021, 2t 2:07 PM, Peter Daszak | =
Heres a report inthe Daily Caller tha goes aftr the Gof argument tha the chimeric bat viruses yielded more irus in
humanized mice than the parental bat virus stain. hitos//dalcaler com/2021/08/09/ecoheslth-alance gan-of-
functon-higher viral-loacsnthony-faue/
There's a good response from NIH: ‘An NH spokesperson told the DCNF the agency “never approved any research that
would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans.” “The research we supported in Chin, where coronaviruses are
prevalent, sought to understand the behavior of coronaviruses circulating in bats that have the potential to cause
widespread disease,” the spokesperson said. “The body of science produced by this research demonstrates that the bat
coronavirus sequences published rom that work NIH supported were not SARS-CoV-2. Mor importantly, because of
similar research to understand coronaviruses, we were able to move swiftly to develop vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
and save ves
‘This story is particularly irritating because if you look at the P3CO rules, it's clear they are meant for pathogens that
occur in humans and might be made more dangerous, These were bat viruses that have never been shown to occur in
‘She wanted to know whether | agreed with her two sources (likely Alina Chan or Richard Ebright,
based on her prior story) that this fits the definition of GoF by NIH and | told her no and explained at
length why not and the assertions that it was should disqualify any supposed “expert”. Took every
opportunity to dunk on their amateurish, disingenuous bullshit, while also emphasizing the
importance of this work. Mara wrote back defensively, claiming she’s talked to 10 virologists or
“people in adjacent fields” for her follow-up. | am not optimistic that the follow-up will be more.
balanced, but | did try to provide some juicy quotes about how her “experts” actually have no
expertise, and emphasized the profound damage these people have done to this essential research
They make all of us less safe.
Hang in there. Ultimately the truth will come out and it's not going to be from the likes of the Daily
Caller's inability to interpret virology data or from Jesse Bloom and all the grifters and conspiracy
theorists populating the rabbit hole that he's crawied down.
AogelaL Rasmussen, 7.0.
Resour Soar
Vasco and Infectious Diseass Organization V10O)
Unversy of Sssaichouan
Orcs Ra
<Mail Attachment png>
On Sep, 2021, 2t 2:07 PM, Peter Daszak | =
Heres a report inthe Daily Caller tha goes aftr the Gof argument tha the chimeric bat viruses yielded more irus in
humanized mice than the parental bat virus stain. hitos//dalcaler com/2021/08/09/ecoheslth-alance gan-of-
functon-higher viral-loacsnthony-faue/
There's a good response from NIH: ‘An NH spokesperson told the DCNF the agency “never approved any research that
would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans.” “The research we supported in Chin, where coronaviruses are
prevalent, sought to understand the behavior of coronaviruses circulating in bats that have the potential to cause
widespread disease,” the spokesperson said. “The body of science produced by this research demonstrates that the bat
coronavirus sequences published rom that work NIH supported were not SARS-CoV-2. Mor importantly, because of
similar research to understand coronaviruses, we were able to move swiftly to develop vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
and save ves
‘This story is particularly irritating because if you look at the P3CO rules, it's clear they are meant for pathogens that
occur in humans and might be made more dangerous, These were bat viruses that have never been shown to occur in
humans. Let's also not forget that the virus with a higher viral load in mice was actually because it had the spike protein
of a bat virus being flown around every night by tens of thousands of bats in rural china ~ not something new created
by us to enhance virulence - In fac, the opposite: the fact that we could do this work with a chimera means that we.
don't have to isolate and culture every single new bat cov we find. It reduces risk!
Fauci-Funded Wuhan Lab Viruses Exhibited Over 10,000 Times Higher Viral Load Than Natural Strain, Documents show
<image007 jog>
September 09, 20213:25 PM ET
Us. and Chinese researchers funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases created
viruses in a Wuhan lab that exhibited over 10,000 times higher viral load in humanized mice, records released by the
agency show.
+ Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright said the data was a “bona fide bombshell” that proves the NIAID,
under Dr. Anthony Fauci’ leadership, violated federal policies, endangered the public and ied to the public.
«aud testified before the Senate in June that his agency never funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology.
US. and Chinese researchers funded by Dr. Anthony Fauct's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
created viruses in a Wuhan lab that exhited over 10,000 times higher viral load in humanized mice than the natural
virus they were based on, according to an infectious disease professor citing documents recently released by the
The U.S. nonprofit group Ecokealth Allance notified the NIAID in two reports that between June 2017 and May 2018 t
had created three ab-generated chimeric SARS-related coronaviruses in China that exhibited “significantly higher” viral
loads, documents first reported by The Intercept show, but the agency continued to fund the project with taxpayer
dollars without flagging it for review by an independent federal committee created n late 2017 to oversee gain-of-
function rescarch.
Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright, a vocal opponent of gain-of-function research, said the data was “bona
fide bombshell” that proves the NIAID, under Fauti's leadership, violated federal plices, endangered the public and
lied to the public
“Three EcoHealth/[Wuhan Institute of Virology] ab-generated viruses exhibited »10x to >10,000x higher viral load than
the starting bat virus in humanized mice,” Ebright tweeted. “One EcoHealth/WIV lab-generated virus exhibited higher
pathogenicity than the starting bat virus in Infection studies with humanized mice.”
“The results demonstrate-unequivocally-a gain in function, he said
In comparison, the viral oad for people infected with the delta variant is roughly 1,000 times higher than those:
Infected with the original srain of the virus, according to Nature science journal,
Ebright added on Twitter that the gain-of-function research activity that NIAID allowed EcoHealth Alliance to conduct in
China could have yielded the virus that causes COVID-19 or a progenitor of that virus.
humans. Let's also not forget that the virus with a higher viral load in mice was actually because it had the spike protein
of a bat virus being flown around every night by tens of thousands of bats in rural china ~ not something new created
by us to enhance virulence - In fac, the opposite: the fact that we could do this work with a chimera means that we.
don't have to isolate and culture every single new bat cov we find. It reduces risk!
Fauci-Funded Wuhan Lab Viruses Exhibited Over 10,000 Times Higher Viral Load Than Natural Strain, Documents show
<image007 jog>
September 09, 20213:25 PM ET
Us. and Chinese researchers funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases created
viruses in a Wuhan lab that exhibited over 10,000 times higher viral load in humanized mice, records released by the
agency show.
+ Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright said the data was a “bona fide bombshell” that proves the NIAID,
under Dr. Anthony Fauci’ leadership, violated federal policies, endangered the public and ied to the public.
«aud testified before the Senate in June that his agency never funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology.
US. and Chinese researchers funded by Dr. Anthony Fauct's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
created viruses in a Wuhan lab that exhited over 10,000 times higher viral load in humanized mice than the natural
virus they were based on, according to an infectious disease professor citing documents recently released by the
The U.S. nonprofit group Ecokealth Allance notified the NIAID in two reports that between June 2017 and May 2018 t
had created three ab-generated chimeric SARS-related coronaviruses in China that exhibited “significantly higher” viral
loads, documents first reported by The Intercept show, but the agency continued to fund the project with taxpayer
dollars without flagging it for review by an independent federal committee created n late 2017 to oversee gain-of-
function rescarch.
Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright, a vocal opponent of gain-of-function research, said the data was “bona
fide bombshell” that proves the NIAID, under Fauti's leadership, violated federal plices, endangered the public and
lied to the public
“Three EcoHealth/[Wuhan Institute of Virology] ab-generated viruses exhibited »10x to >10,000x higher viral load than
the starting bat virus in humanized mice,” Ebright tweeted. “One EcoHealth/WIV lab-generated virus exhibited higher
pathogenicity than the starting bat virus in Infection studies with humanized mice.”
“The results demonstrate-unequivocally-a gain in function, he said
In comparison, the viral oad for people infected with the delta variant is roughly 1,000 times higher than those:
Infected with the original srain of the virus, according to Nature science journal,
Ebright added on Twitter that the gain-of-function research activity that NIAID allowed EcoHealth Alliance to conduct in
China could have yielded the virus that causes COVID-19 or a progenitor of that virus.
Ecoealth Alliance first notified the NIAID it created the three lab-generated SARS related coronaviruses in a progress
report detailing ts research activites between June 2017 and May 2018.
“Using the reverse genetic methods we previously developed, infectious clones with the WIV backbone and the spike
protein of SHCOL4, WIV6 and Rs4231, respectively, were constructed and recombinant viruses were successfully
rescued,” the group said ints progress report. “2 and 4 days post infection, the viral load in lung tissues of mice
challenged with rWIV1-SHCO14S, rWIV1-WIV16S and rWIV1-8s42315.. were significantly higher than that in rWIV1-
Infected mice.”
“These results demonstrate varying pathogenicity of SARS-CoV with different spike proteins in humanized mice, the
report added.
EcoHealth Alliance included a chart visualizing the increased viral load of their lab-created viruses. The chart is
presented in a Log scale, meaning each tick of the chart represents a 100-fold increase in vial load in mice with
humanized cell, Ebrght explained to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Charts submitted by EcoHealth Alliance to the National Institute of Alergy and Infectious Diseases showing 10ss of body.
weight (right) and viral load left) of mice with humanized cell infected with the natural WIV1 vial strain and three
Ecoealth lab-created virus trains. The viral load chart s presented in Log scale, meaning each tick of the graph
represents a 100-fold increase inviral load, Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright explained to the DCNF.
“Each tick in the chart on the right represents an increment of 100%,” Ebight told the DCNF. “The day 4 data show
greater than-10,000x higher viral loads for the lab-generated viruses.”
The viral load for humanized mice infected with the natural virus caught up with the lab-created strains by the end of
the experiment, the chart shows, but Ebright said that viral loads in the early stages of an infection are important
figures to consider when assessing a pathogen’ transmissbilty.
“In terms of assessing potential for transmissibility, the viral load at al time points, particularly at early time points, is
relevant. (see Delta variant),” Ebrigh told the DNF.
EcoHeaith Alliance provided another chart in ts progress report showing that humanized ice infected with
FcoMealth's abcreated viruses lost more bodyweight than humanized mice infected with the natural WIV strain
EcoMeaith Alliance included the same two charts in a 2018 request to the NIAID requesting additional funding or ts
research in China, the document trove released by The Intercept shows.
Federal funding for gain-of-function experiments that increase the transmissibility o pathogenicity of potential
pandemic pathogens was temporarily suspended in 2014 due to widespread scientific concerns t risked leaking
supercharged viruses into the human population.
Funding for gain-of-function research was resumed in late 2017, but only for projects that went through the
new Potential Pander Pathogens Control and Oversight (P3CO) Framework, which includes a review by an HHS
review board tasked with critically evaluating whether grants that involve enhancing dangerous pathogens, such as
coronaviruses, are worth the risks and that proper safeguards are in place.
The NIAID opted not to flag the Ecotealth Alliance grant for PCO after determining on its own accord that the project
“did not involve the enhancement of the pathogenicity or transmissibility of the viruses studied,” a National Institutes
of Health spokesperson previously told the DCNF. (RELATED: Us Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance 8at-Based
Coronaviruses Was Never scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says
Fauci said during a congressional hearing in May that the NIH and NIAID “categorically has not funded gain-of-function
research to be conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” claim that ed Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky in
July to send a criminal referral to the Department of Justice to investigate whether Faucilied before Congress.
The P3CO framework defines an “enhanced potential pandemic pathogen as any lab-created virus that exhibits any
level of boosted transmissibility and/or virulence. Funding agencies such as the NIAID are required to flag any research
grant thats “reasonably anticipated to create, transfer, or use enhanced PPPS” for P3CO review.
Ecoealth Alliance first notified the NIAID it created the three lab-generated SARS related coronaviruses in a progress
report detailing ts research activites between June 2017 and May 2018.
“Using the reverse genetic methods we previously developed, infectious clones with the WIV backbone and the spike
protein of SHCOL4, WIV6 and Rs4231, respectively, were constructed and recombinant viruses were successfully
rescued,” the group said ints progress report. “2 and 4 days post infection, the viral load in lung tissues of mice
challenged with rWIV1-SHCO14S, rWIV1-WIV16S and rWIV1-8s42315.. were significantly higher than that in rWIV1-
Infected mice.”
“These results demonstrate varying pathogenicity of SARS-CoV with different spike proteins in humanized mice, the
report added.
EcoHealth Alliance included a chart visualizing the increased viral load of their lab-created viruses. The chart is
presented in a Log scale, meaning each tick of the chart represents a 100-fold increase in vial load in mice with
humanized cell, Ebrght explained to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Charts submitted by EcoHealth Alliance to the National Institute of Alergy and Infectious Diseases showing 10ss of body.
weight (right) and viral load left) of mice with humanized cell infected with the natural WIV1 vial strain and three
Ecoealth lab-created virus trains. The viral load chart s presented in Log scale, meaning each tick of the graph
represents a 100-fold increase inviral load, Rutgers University professor Richard Ebright explained to the DCNF.
“Each tick in the chart on the right represents an increment of 100%,” Ebight told the DCNF. “The day 4 data show
greater than-10,000x higher viral loads for the lab-generated viruses.”
The viral load for humanized mice infected with the natural virus caught up with the lab-created strains by the end of
the experiment, the chart shows, but Ebright said that viral loads in the early stages of an infection are important
figures to consider when assessing a pathogen’ transmissbilty.
“In terms of assessing potential for transmissibility, the viral load at al time points, particularly at early time points, is
relevant. (see Delta variant),” Ebrigh told the DNF.
EcoHeaith Alliance provided another chart in ts progress report showing that humanized ice infected with
FcoMealth's abcreated viruses lost more bodyweight than humanized mice infected with the natural WIV strain
EcoMeaith Alliance included the same two charts in a 2018 request to the NIAID requesting additional funding or ts
research in China, the document trove released by The Intercept shows.
Federal funding for gain-of-function experiments that increase the transmissibility o pathogenicity of potential
pandemic pathogens was temporarily suspended in 2014 due to widespread scientific concerns t risked leaking
supercharged viruses into the human population.
Funding for gain-of-function research was resumed in late 2017, but only for projects that went through the
new Potential Pander Pathogens Control and Oversight (P3CO) Framework, which includes a review by an HHS
review board tasked with critically evaluating whether grants that involve enhancing dangerous pathogens, such as
coronaviruses, are worth the risks and that proper safeguards are in place.
The NIAID opted not to flag the Ecotealth Alliance grant for PCO after determining on its own accord that the project
“did not involve the enhancement of the pathogenicity or transmissibility of the viruses studied,” a National Institutes
of Health spokesperson previously told the DCNF. (RELATED: Us Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance 8at-Based
Coronaviruses Was Never scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says
Fauci said during a congressional hearing in May that the NIH and NIAID “categorically has not funded gain-of-function
research to be conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” claim that ed Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky in
July to send a criminal referral to the Department of Justice to investigate whether Faucilied before Congress.
The P3CO framework defines an “enhanced potential pandemic pathogen as any lab-created virus that exhibits any
level of boosted transmissibility and/or virulence. Funding agencies such as the NIAID are required to flag any research
grant thats “reasonably anticipated to create, transfer, or use enhanced PPPS” for P3CO review.
Despite this, documents released by The Intercept suggest that the NIAID authorized EcoHealth Alliance to conduct
gainof function experiments on bat coronaviruses up to 3 certain threshold.
The NIAID informed EcoHealth Alliance na June 2018 award notice tat it must notify the agency only ft creates a
virus “with enhanced growth by more than [10 times] compared to wild type strains,” according to documents released
by Th Intercept. The NIAID linked to the P3CO review process which contains no such mention of 10 times
allowance, inthe very ext sentence, the document shows.
NIAID noice to EcoHealth Allnce in June 201 saying it must notify the agency only ft produces a ab virus that
‘exhibits more than 10 times enhancement over wild-type strains. (Screenshot)
An NH spokesperson told the DNF the agency “never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more
dangerous to humans.”
“The research we supported in Chia, where coronaviruses are prevalent, sought to understand the behavior of
‘coronaviruses circulating in bats that have the potential to cause widespread disease,” the spokesperson said. “The
body of science produced by this research demonstrates that the bat coronavirus sequences published from that work:
NI Supported were not SARS-CoV’-2 More importantly, because of similar research to understand coronaviruses, we
were able to move swiftly to develop vaceines against SARS-Cov-2 and save Ives”
Content created by The Daly Cale News Foundation s availabe without charge to ary eligible news publisher that can
provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please
Contact lcensing
peter Dasa
Ecoteatth Allance
520 Fighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York,NY 10018-6507
Tel. IN
Website: wi econeaithaance org
Twitter: @PeterDaszak
Despite this, documents released by The Intercept suggest that the NIAID authorized EcoHealth Alliance to conduct
gainof function experiments on bat coronaviruses up to 3 certain threshold.
The NIAID informed EcoHealth Alliance na June 2018 award notice tat it must notify the agency only ft creates a
virus “with enhanced growth by more than [10 times] compared to wild type strains,” according to documents released
by Th Intercept. The NIAID linked to the P3CO review process which contains no such mention of 10 times
allowance, inthe very ext sentence, the document shows.
NIAID noice to EcoHealth Allnce in June 201 saying it must notify the agency only ft produces a ab virus that
‘exhibits more than 10 times enhancement over wild-type strains. (Screenshot)
An NH spokesperson told the DNF the agency “never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more
dangerous to humans.”
“The research we supported in Chia, where coronaviruses are prevalent, sought to understand the behavior of
‘coronaviruses circulating in bats that have the potential to cause widespread disease,” the spokesperson said. “The
body of science produced by this research demonstrates that the bat coronavirus sequences published from that work:
NI Supported were not SARS-CoV’-2 More importantly, because of similar research to understand coronaviruses, we
were able to move swiftly to develop vaceines against SARS-Cov-2 and save Ives”
Content created by The Daly Cale News Foundation s availabe without charge to ary eligible news publisher that can
provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please
Contact lcensing
peter Dasa
Ecoteatth Allance
520 Fighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York,NY 10018-6507
Tel. IN
Website: wi econeaithaance org
Twitter: @PeterDaszak
Tos Garry, Robert Kristian G. Andersen’
ven Ebert pence
—_—_ _
TE a ee
er Win
ter pema
Neto tn 4307
Tos Garry, Robert Kristian G. Andersen’
ven Ebert pence
—_—_ _
TE a ee
er Win
ter pema
Neto tn 4307
From: Garry, Rovert + [
rm ———
To pote seo I + oe E—
Ft, I tam ——
EE a ———
quite a number that could be considered “risky” at least by a Relman/Ebright definition. Selecting drug resistant.
Date: Wednesday, September 8. at
To: Kristian Andersen
Cc: David Morens. Robert Garry Edward Holmes
Jason Gale asmussen, Angie"
obrt Kosslr . S'°7""
‘Subject: RE: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs
mr ee
Cross ios ony Til oposite som ing
reo ee:
aan tin
rr ——
em er yo —————— rr ——o
em soi we ore hes on Gt
eked Toe Seas se co 4 SARC on a wht the same dv wee on son
From: Garry, Rovert + [
rm ———
To pote seo I + oe E—
Ft, I tam ——
EE a ———
quite a number that could be considered “risky” at least by a Relman/Ebright definition. Selecting drug resistant.
Date: Wednesday, September 8. at
To: Kristian Andersen
Cc: David Morens. Robert Garry Edward Holmes
Jason Gale asmussen, Angie"
obrt Kosslr . S'°7""
‘Subject: RE: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs
mr ee
Cross ios ony Til oposite som ing
reo ee:
aan tin
rr ——
em er yo —————— rr ——o
em soi we ore hes on Gt
eked Toe Seas se co 4 SARC on a wht the same dv wee on son
that we broke the rules in chain with Alina Chan and the “Seeker”. Im not sure whether to respond at al, but | might
just let him know that al SARS-CoV sequences we had are already published in our 2020 paper in Nat. Comm. Again
the problem with these accusations s that ust being accused of this by the press causes us seven levels o hel, and
arguing backis even worse.
Peter Dasiak
EcoHealth Alance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
Website: ww. cohealthaliance org
Tuitter: @PeterDaszak
EcoHealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
From: Kristian G. Andersen IEEG_—_—_—
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 10:30 PM
To: Peter Daszak
Cc: David Morens Garry, Robert FS ard Holmes
jason Gale Rasmussen, Angie
[Robert Kessier tephen Goldstein
Subjoct: Re: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs
Its harassment, plain and simple - t has absolutely nothing to do with trying to find the truth of how
‘SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the human population.
The way | see it though, we now have (a) the entire US IC having completed their investigation, (b)
unredacted grants and annual reports from EcoHealth, and (c) old theses from the WIV.
that we broke the rules in chain with Alina Chan and the “Seeker”. Im not sure whether to respond at al, but | might
just let him know that al SARS-CoV sequences we had are already published in our 2020 paper in Nat. Comm. Again
the problem with these accusations s that ust being accused of this by the press causes us seven levels o hel, and
arguing backis even worse.
Peter Dasiak
EcoHealth Alance
520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
Website: ww. cohealthaliance org
Tuitter: @PeterDaszak
EcoHealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
From: Kristian G. Andersen IEEG_—_—_—
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 10:30 PM
To: Peter Daszak
Cc: David Morens Garry, Robert FS ard Holmes
jason Gale Rasmussen, Angie
[Robert Kessier tephen Goldstein
Subjoct: Re: The Intercept report on coronavirus research at Chinese labs
Its harassment, plain and simple - t has absolutely nothing to do with trying to find the truth of how
‘SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the human population.
The way | see it though, we now have (a) the entire US IC having completed their investigation, (b)
unredacted grants and annual reports from EcoHealth, and (c) old theses from the WIV.
This is exactly the type of information that Ebright, Metzl, Reiman, Bloom, Chan, and the rest of the
ot have been requesting. Now this work has been completed, what was unearthed? Nothing. Nada.
Zich. No evidence of the virus (or sequence) at the WIV (or anywhere else) prior to the pandemic.
No gain-of-function work (despite what Ebright says). The same cloning system used again and
again (WIV), Vero cells used for virus isolation (SARS-CoV-2 loses the FCS in those cells), and no.
previously unreported viruses isolated (although | note the repeated use of isolates" in one of the
annual reports to describe 11 samples - | myself have made that mistake before). So again, there's
This absence of evidence is in fact evidence of absence in this particular case - there would have
been some evidence for SARS-CoV-2 in some of these documents had it been at the WIV. Yet,
As for GOF work, again nothing. | note the mention of work with recombinant MERS in the year 3
report for work proposed in year 4 - depending on the nature of work, that could be considered
GOF/DURC. However, when reading the year 4 report, | don't see any of that work mentioned - just
work with pseudotyped viruses, which is clearly not GOF (or DURC),
Of course, people wil take stuff out of context to make anything fit a particular narrative. However,
there's an expiration date on bullshit and | suspect we're well past due.
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 6:28 PM Peter Daszak I
Here's one ofthe “Journalists” who got the “Scoop”. Basically tney Just then sued when NIH refused to
release, then dumped the documents online and asked for “people with relevant expertise to get n touch’. Cue Drs.
Ebright, Relman, Chan, Bloom and others to start their attempt at a character assassination...
Mara Histendahi
NEW: We obtained hundreds of pages from NIH detailing Ecobieaith Alliance's work with the Wuhan Institute of
Virology. We are publishing them in full. With
@fastierner and @theintercept egal team, which fled a FOIA lawsuit for the documents’ release
New: Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab
More than $00 pages of material related to US. funded coronavirus research in China were released following a FOIA
Iawsui by The Intercept.
This is exactly the type of information that Ebright, Metzl, Reiman, Bloom, Chan, and the rest of the
ot have been requesting. Now this work has been completed, what was unearthed? Nothing. Nada.
Zich. No evidence of the virus (or sequence) at the WIV (or anywhere else) prior to the pandemic.
No gain-of-function work (despite what Ebright says). The same cloning system used again and
again (WIV), Vero cells used for virus isolation (SARS-CoV-2 loses the FCS in those cells), and no.
previously unreported viruses isolated (although | note the repeated use of isolates" in one of the
annual reports to describe 11 samples - | myself have made that mistake before). So again, there's
This absence of evidence is in fact evidence of absence in this particular case - there would have
been some evidence for SARS-CoV-2 in some of these documents had it been at the WIV. Yet,
As for GOF work, again nothing. | note the mention of work with recombinant MERS in the year 3
report for work proposed in year 4 - depending on the nature of work, that could be considered
GOF/DURC. However, when reading the year 4 report, | don't see any of that work mentioned - just
work with pseudotyped viruses, which is clearly not GOF (or DURC),
Of course, people wil take stuff out of context to make anything fit a particular narrative. However,
there's an expiration date on bullshit and | suspect we're well past due.
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 6:28 PM Peter Daszak I
Here's one ofthe “Journalists” who got the “Scoop”. Basically tney Just then sued when NIH refused to
release, then dumped the documents online and asked for “people with relevant expertise to get n touch’. Cue Drs.
Ebright, Relman, Chan, Bloom and others to start their attempt at a character assassination...
Mara Histendahi
NEW: We obtained hundreds of pages from NIH detailing Ecobieaith Alliance's work with the Wuhan Institute of
Virology. We are publishing them in full. With
@fastierner and @theintercept egal team, which fled a FOIA lawsuit for the documents’ release
New: Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab
More than $00 pages of material related to US. funded coronavirus research in China were released following a FOIA
Iawsui by The Intercept.
theintercept com
Mara Hvistendah
15h The full documents are here: “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus.
Emergence” hips: / documents 21055385-understanding rsk-bat-coronavirus-emergence rant:
"Understanding Risk of Zoonotic Virus Emergence in Emerging Infectious Disease Hotspots of Southeast
Asia"hitps//dacumenteloud org/docurents/2 105588 risk. roonoticirus-hotspots grantnotie..
<mage002 o>
‘Mara histendah
There is alot here. @fastierner and | ar interested in hearing feedback from people with relevant expertise.
Peter Daszak
Ecottelth Alliance
520 Eighth Avenue, Site 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
theintercept com
Mara Hvistendah
15h The full documents are here: “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus.
Emergence” hips: / documents 21055385-understanding rsk-bat-coronavirus-emergence rant:
"Understanding Risk of Zoonotic Virus Emergence in Emerging Infectious Disease Hotspots of Southeast
Asia"hitps//dacumenteloud org/docurents/2 105588 risk. roonoticirus-hotspots grantnotie..
<mage002 o>
‘Mara histendah
There is alot here. @fastierner and | ar interested in hearing feedback from people with relevant expertise.
Peter Daszak
Ecottelth Alliance
520 Eighth Avenue, Site 1200
New York, NY 10018-6507
Tol I
Twitter: @PeterDaszak
EcoHealth Alle develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
rom: avid Morens IN
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021907 PM
To: Peter Daz
Ce: Gary Robert \istianG. anderson Eduard Holmes
eson Gaia pry 8 Robert Kessler
Subiect: Re: The Intercept report on coronav rus research at Chinese labs
Do not rule out suing these assholes for slander. d
Sent from my iPhone
David M Morens
On Sep 7, 2021, at 20:39, Peter Daszak | t=:
To be hones, this whole process beyond joke. We're spending a huge amount of staf time dealing withthe 85
from these Fol requests even though th grant been terminated, suspended and funds are stl unavailable.
The ableakers are already tring up bullshit lines of attack that will ring more negative publicity ou way — whichis
what tis is about -a way toline up the GoF attack Fauci orth risky researc attack nall of us.
Jesse Bloom's now trying to claim we weren't following our proposed rules for data release (not true — all SARSr-CoV'
Rp sequences on Genbaniin summer 2020, despite the gran beng terminate) he's aging Alina Chan nd The
Seeker on Twitter, Eights trying oc we were working on ERS 25 a‘shadow line of work. There be more to
come - usta free-for-all efor to find a few sentences that they can take out of context
peter Daszak
Tol I
Twitter: @PeterDaszak
EcoHealth Alle develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation
rom: avid Morens IN
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021907 PM
To: Peter Daz
Ce: Gary Robert \istianG. anderson Eduard Holmes
eson Gaia pry 8 Robert Kessler
Subiect: Re: The Intercept report on coronav rus research at Chinese labs
Do not rule out suing these assholes for slander. d
Sent from my iPhone
David M Morens
On Sep 7, 2021, at 20:39, Peter Daszak | t=:
To be hones, this whole process beyond joke. We're spending a huge amount of staf time dealing withthe 85
from these Fol requests even though th grant been terminated, suspended and funds are stl unavailable.
The ableakers are already tring up bullshit lines of attack that will ring more negative publicity ou way — whichis
what tis is about -a way toline up the GoF attack Fauci orth risky researc attack nall of us.
Jesse Bloom's now trying to claim we weren't following our proposed rules for data release (not true — all SARSr-CoV'
Rp sequences on Genbaniin summer 2020, despite the gran beng terminate) he's aging Alina Chan nd The
Seeker on Twitter, Eights trying oc we were working on ERS 25 a‘shadow line of work. There be more to
come - usta free-for-all efor to find a few sentences that they can take out of context
peter Daszak
EcoHsith Aliance
5206Eighth Avenue, Site 1200
NewYork, NY 10018.6507
Te: 412123804474
Website: wa ecsheathallance org
a —
From: Garry, Robert F
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 808 PM:
To: ristan . Andersen = o's I
angela rasmussen asta co
p wstnses)
Subject: Re: The IrEept report on coronavitus research at Chinese labs
Totaly that the rea tory of the FOlAed grants - no SC2 or anything close that could have been converted
Metz, Chan and others wanted a “forensic Investigation. The grants tht they thought would be private and
written before the pandemic do not mention a new SARS-lke virus. YOu can be sure that a new virus 76%
similar to SC1 would have been front and center in the applications and progress reports.
My guess this s part of the nfo the IC used to conclude no bioweapon, likly no engineering - NO SC2 before
the pandemic. nis Gof debate now very clearly has nothing to do with the origin of SC2.
som tans snore
Sant: Tuesday, September 7
Teogarars cess
Ge iazonGole
rp pe
dmorens ic
Gory Robert F usozsias
SUbJec: Re: Te INLTCepR EDO on coronavirus esearch at Chinese 1365
EcoHsith Aliance
5206Eighth Avenue, Site 1200
NewYork, NY 10018.6507
Te: 412123804474
Website: wa ecsheathallance org
a —
From: Garry, Robert F
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 808 PM:
To: ristan . Andersen = o's I
angela rasmussen asta co
p wstnses)
Subject: Re: The IrEept report on coronavitus research at Chinese labs
Totaly that the rea tory of the FOlAed grants - no SC2 or anything close that could have been converted
Metz, Chan and others wanted a “forensic Investigation. The grants tht they thought would be private and
written before the pandemic do not mention a new SARS-lke virus. YOu can be sure that a new virus 76%
similar to SC1 would have been front and center in the applications and progress reports.
My guess this s part of the nfo the IC used to conclude no bioweapon, likly no engineering - NO SC2 before
the pandemic. nis Gof debate now very clearly has nothing to do with the origin of SC2.
som tans snore
Sant: Tuesday, September 7
Teogarars cess
Ge iazonGole
rp pe
dmorens ic
Gory Robert F usozsias
SUbJec: Re: Te INLTCepR EDO on coronavirus esearch at Chinese 1365
Extemal Sender. Be aware of links, attachments and requests.
Going through it carefully as we speak (already wasted a few hours) - because that's how idiotic this
has become.
Nicely detailed annual reports - makes it easy to show that there's in fact no SARS-CoV-2 in there...
People have lost their minds with this 5".
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 4:50 PM Edward Holmes | ©'c
Yes, just more like evidence that they never had SCZ in the lab.
Professor Edward C. Holmes FAA FRS.
The University of Sydney
On 8 Sep 2021, at 9:43 am, Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG NEwsroom:) |
Just FYI
https: //
Te Information cotaned in tls communication fom th sandr 1s congenial kad sey for use by th recent ard
oer acrned ta ace I yg ark econ You ars ety noi Im ay Gece, copying: to or
Shing acon lato of he Coram of 1s matin SC romoRes and may be nowt.
is emai has ben scanned fo viruses and maivare, and may have been automaticaly arched by Mmecat, leader i emai
ey at ot Tosbanea: HEVGCRS eas rh Seonics wih Bar FrCESoT, Ser renee gi web separ:
optus and ter earl capaiies. Mmecas hs rect TOe nd aml orGanaatons or malicious Si human
Tor 3nd echncogy aur; and 4a ead the movement toward Dung 8 more rESHent work. To ind ut more, Vout WABELe
Tr ———
ers authorized 1 rece I you aro 96 eGlen, ou a0 hare noted ha any Aacosre, pYIN, ARETBLAON
ing action In relation of he Contato is formation icy ronRed and ma be craw.
11 ml nas been scanned for viruses and maiware, and may have been automaticaly sched by Mmecast, 3 leader in emai
cur an or TosRares PHVGCRS Iho aRSs Sr SeTnata wih rare BovachoT, Secu Swareness Fag: web seours
omar and her Scena CapaDITES: PRGCIS RI Dota arOs and smal rgaEatons fom malicious HUY. rman
To A eh are; 31 3 680 he ve ovard BANG 8 mor Teen Word T Tn toe, I it WADERS.
Extemal Sender. Be aware of links, attachments and requests.
Going through it carefully as we speak (already wasted a few hours) - because that's how idiotic this
has become.
Nicely detailed annual reports - makes it easy to show that there's in fact no SARS-CoV-2 in there...
People have lost their minds with this 5".
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 4:50 PM Edward Holmes | ©'c
Yes, just more like evidence that they never had SCZ in the lab.
Professor Edward C. Holmes FAA FRS.
The University of Sydney
On 8 Sep 2021, at 9:43 am, Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG NEwsroom:) |
Just FYI
https: //
Te Information cotaned in tls communication fom th sandr 1s congenial kad sey for use by th recent ard
oer acrned ta ace I yg ark econ You ars ety noi Im ay Gece, copying: to or
Shing acon lato of he Coram of 1s matin SC romoRes and may be nowt.
is emai has ben scanned fo viruses and maivare, and may have been automaticaly arched by Mmecat, leader i emai
ey at ot Tosbanea: HEVGCRS eas rh Seonics wih Bar FrCESoT, Ser renee gi web separ:
optus and ter earl capaiies. Mmecas hs rect TOe nd aml orGanaatons or malicious Si human
Tor 3nd echncogy aur; and 4a ead the movement toward Dung 8 more rESHent work. To ind ut more, Vout WABELe
Tr ———
ers authorized 1 rece I you aro 96 eGlen, ou a0 hare noted ha any Aacosre, pYIN, ARETBLAON
ing action In relation of he Contato is formation icy ronRed and ma be craw.
11 ml nas been scanned for viruses and maiware, and may have been automaticaly sched by Mmecast, 3 leader in emai
cur an or TosRares PHVGCRS Iho aRSs Sr SeTnata wih rare BovachoT, Secu Swareness Fag: web seours
omar and her Scena CapaDITES: PRGCIS RI Dota arOs and smal rgaEatons fom malicious HUY. rman
To A eh are; 31 3 680 he ve ovard BANG 8 mor Teen Word T Tn toe, I it WADERS.
ne infomation anand n comm caton fom the senders Confers. It encase for se by te ecient ana
Ors autores 1 eee 1 you a hth Fp. 7ou ar hry TO hak ay Gr, copying: dsb IDeen of
in acon i eat of Crvansof norman Ey pron Bod 4nd ay oe orl
4s cml ns ben scanned for viruses and malware, and ay have been automatically archived by Mimecas, aesder in email
Set and ye resin, Mamacas agra eal GEFEOES ran pORCURTY Sect Saas Sin: we secur,
Complaren an ota: acl hpSaIaE WTACAR RE otc 3 and Sa IGANGA fom melons ki Fran
ror and eChnoloy {burs and 3 ad ie ovement iad Ging & more resent wo. To nd ut ore, SE Gu NEDSS.
The informotion contained in tis commuricain fom the sender is Cofideril. ts ended sly for se by te ecient 1nd
Others aharze 1 reco I you a1 10k the repent, you ar here rfc hat any GRCIERU, coying, GTIDAIEN of
aking acon in relator of 1 Corker of rman 1 cy pron Bad and may brawl.
| This email has been scanned for viruses and mahware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast, a leader in emeil
Secor Sr he reshance, Whecast Iagares el deans wi brand povaChaT Soc Smirenecs BAIN: web Secu,
| Compan and ihc essartil Capagvies. MECH: helps rect frge and mol GNIAR rom allo acy, Puan
CaF and temoloy atures 13 5d hE OVER rd DUI 5 ore reheRe wad. To fod At or, 1 Ot eBARE
The formation contained in ts communication rom te senders confidential. I nnd sole for uss by te eciens and
SEhrS UNO 1 TES I. I You are Toke CEN, yo 316 hers AEG ha any SIGS, opyIn, ASHTDUION o
akin action n relate of te conkers of moi 3 cy Bron SRed 32d may 0 ant
This ema has been came or viruses and malware, and may have been automaticaly rcived by Mimecast, a acer In emai
eC an cyber reshane, Mihacot grates nil Geenses brand YORESan, Say SATEZS HAIG, 46 Secu,
Compares an ut Exel Copaniles. Nmeces Ppa rock Brg ad all or gaaetons Tm melo ty Haman
oF Sn ERGY atures ahd a ac ovama oward Bulking 8 ore SSR work. To AG uk more, wl ut WebHRS
ne infomation anand n comm caton fom the senders Confers. It encase for se by te ecient ana
Ors autores 1 eee 1 you a hth Fp. 7ou ar hry TO hak ay Gr, copying: dsb IDeen of
in acon i eat of Crvansof norman Ey pron Bod 4nd ay oe orl
4s cml ns ben scanned for viruses and malware, and ay have been automatically archived by Mimecas, aesder in email
Set and ye resin, Mamacas agra eal GEFEOES ran pORCURTY Sect Saas Sin: we secur,
Complaren an ota: acl hpSaIaE WTACAR RE otc 3 and Sa IGANGA fom melons ki Fran
ror and eChnoloy {burs and 3 ad ie ovement iad Ging & more resent wo. To nd ut ore, SE Gu NEDSS.
The informotion contained in tis commuricain fom the sender is Cofideril. ts ended sly for se by te ecient 1nd
Others aharze 1 reco I you a1 10k the repent, you ar here rfc hat any GRCIERU, coying, GTIDAIEN of
aking acon in relator of 1 Corker of rman 1 cy pron Bad and may brawl.
| This email has been scanned for viruses and mahware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast, a leader in emeil
Secor Sr he reshance, Whecast Iagares el deans wi brand povaChaT Soc Smirenecs BAIN: web Secu,
| Compan and ihc essartil Capagvies. MECH: helps rect frge and mol GNIAR rom allo acy, Puan
CaF and temoloy atures 13 5d hE OVER rd DUI 5 ore reheRe wad. To fod At or, 1 Ot eBARE
The formation contained in ts communication rom te senders confidential. I nnd sole for uss by te eciens and
SEhrS UNO 1 TES I. I You are Toke CEN, yo 316 hers AEG ha any SIGS, opyIn, ASHTDUION o
akin action n relate of te conkers of moi 3 cy Bron SRed 32d may 0 ant
This ema has been came or viruses and malware, and may have been automaticaly rcived by Mimecast, a acer In emai
eC an cyber reshane, Mihacot grates nil Geenses brand YORESan, Say SATEZS HAIG, 46 Secu,
Compares an ut Exel Copaniles. Nmeces Ppa rock Brg ad all or gaaetons Tm melo ty Haman
oF Sn ERGY atures ahd a ac ovama oward Bulking 8 ore SSR work. To AG uk more, wl ut WebHRS
EE —
Cc earmnon S
on Extemal Sender. Be aware of links, attachments and requests.
kga197¢ ER Gary,
mroren SE
sues Te
tachment PnglSercopy NG2021-
Thanks, Eddie.
Foran tre Shits poste will Ye tmighil sonterh Boz vier Deter Davos ob
Sh Poluts Tarty Lanes Tests un Th0 SevtarEay OF DECITE I Seta,
From: etvard.hoined At: 08/21/21 07:25:20 UTCH10:00
sor Gnorens
Co: Jason Gule (DLOOMDERG) NEWSROOM: ) ; rfgarry 1
kga1978 I Th. [
on Kessler y
as0zsey =
Subject: Re:
It's diabolical nonsense David. Irrespective of what they state in that ‘paper’, Linfa has found
serological evidence for closely related viruses in pangolins dating back several years and the HKU
team have similar data (see attachment). Plus the Guangdong pangolins have been my multiple
groups in different ways and there is an independent lineage in Guangxi.
The attempt to undermine the pangolin data and the people that generated it one of the shameful
examples of anti-science | have ever seen. The reality is that is because the RBD of the Guangdong
pangolins is genetically similar to SARS-CoV-2 it becomes an inconvenient data point for those who
believe the virus came from a lab in Wuhan hence their attempts to undermine it.
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
EE —
Cc earmnon S
on Extemal Sender. Be aware of links, attachments and requests.
kga197¢ ER Gary,
mroren SE
sues Te
tachment PnglSercopy NG2021-
Thanks, Eddie.
Foran tre Shits poste will Ye tmighil sonterh Boz vier Deter Davos ob
Sh Poluts Tarty Lanes Tests un Th0 SevtarEay OF DECITE I Seta,
From: etvard.hoined At: 08/21/21 07:25:20 UTCH10:00
sor Gnorens
Co: Jason Gule (DLOOMDERG) NEWSROOM: ) ; rfgarry 1
kga1978 I Th. [
on Kessler y
as0zsey =
Subject: Re:
It's diabolical nonsense David. Irrespective of what they state in that ‘paper’, Linfa has found
serological evidence for closely related viruses in pangolins dating back several years and the HKU
team have similar data (see attachment). Plus the Guangdong pangolins have been my multiple
groups in different ways and there is an independent lineage in Guangxi.
The attempt to undermine the pangolin data and the people that generated it one of the shameful
examples of anti-science | have ever seen. The reality is that is because the RBD of the Guangdong
pangolins is genetically similar to SARS-CoV-2 it becomes an inconvenient data point for those who
believe the virus came from a lab in Wuhan hence their attempts to undermine it.
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases & Biosecurity,
School of Life & Environmental Sciences and School of Medical Sciences,
The University of Sydney | Sydney | NSW | 2008 | Australia
On 21 Aug 2021, at 1:03 am, Morens, David (NIH/NIAID) [E] TE
Thanks to both you and Kristian. Very heelpful to know what the experts think, because 50 us
mere mortals, phylogenetic and sequencing interpretation is a bit inscrutable.
Yes, although | don't know her personally, | know OF Alina Chan based on two papers of hers |
came across, one of which was a screed against Eddie's recent review. It seemed biased,
cherry-picked, and not the work of a scientist with integrity.
<tmage00¥ gif>
David M. Morens, M.D.
CAPT, United Sates Public Health Service
Senior Advisor to the Director
Office of the Director
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bethesds, MD 20892-2520
coe Tsoi ined rh civ fhe) sor Ky Gentoo us PROTECTED, PRIVILEGED, od
CONFIDENTIAL 1 abe oe be mint die, oped ee hed ce och moron Al cients tb ope
od er mein Yc yu ed et. meee. 1 5 FSSA. Hoe ae ert
mr re oat oe eo be pe ote lw ti
<imags005 jog>
rom: ar. for
Sant: Friday, August 20, PLTOY
To: Morens, David (i/NA) (6) I + - Ancien
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases & Biosecurity,
School of Life & Environmental Sciences and School of Medical Sciences,
The University of Sydney | Sydney | NSW | 2008 | Australia
On 21 Aug 2021, at 1:03 am, Morens, David (NIH/NIAID) [E] TE
Thanks to both you and Kristian. Very heelpful to know what the experts think, because 50 us
mere mortals, phylogenetic and sequencing interpretation is a bit inscrutable.
Yes, although | don't know her personally, | know OF Alina Chan based on two papers of hers |
came across, one of which was a screed against Eddie's recent review. It seemed biased,
cherry-picked, and not the work of a scientist with integrity.
<tmage00¥ gif>
David M. Morens, M.D.
CAPT, United Sates Public Health Service
Senior Advisor to the Director
Office of the Director
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bethesds, MD 20892-2520
coe Tsoi ined rh civ fhe) sor Ky Gentoo us PROTECTED, PRIVILEGED, od
CONFIDENTIAL 1 abe oe be mint die, oped ee hed ce och moron Al cients tb ope
od er mein Yc yu ed et. meee. 1 5 FSSA. Hoe ae ert
mr re oat oe eo be pe ote lw ti
<imags005 jog>
rom: ar. for
Sant: Friday, August 20, PLTOY
To: Morens, David (i/NA) (6) I + - Ancien
ce jcon ale
angelasussen penembare] dasa —
yr a weorsess bao
Subject: Ke:
This from a realy super young investigator Alex Crit Christoph. The authors concluded:
(a) the pangoln cove are actualy from mice (0) actually, they were actually cloned artificial constructs, (c)
actualy, hora ware othor viruses i 10 samples as wo (oh nol who'd hava thought (0) actual, ts ai
Comaminated with cog dna.”
wy ake It garbage and no they [ine authors] are not ok - altvough my supposition is that they are being
Wel compensated for generating tis nonsense. Alina Chan [who a quta cangerous INO young
Investigator and fs ring a book] Is using the very Same approach - spouting a ft of pseudoscientfic
garbage, arguing from “authority.” ec. bu finding a receptive [and ikely wealthy] aucience that can put
the garbage to work. The whole Dr. Yan/Steve Bannon saga is but one of the examples of this approach.
From: "Morens, David (NiH/NIAID) (<]" [EE
Date: Friday, August 20, 2021 a 8:36 AM
To: Kristian Andersen [EE
Ce: Jason Gale “angela.rasmussen|
"penambarel daszat
"460250 . ,
Subject: <n® TU%
Do you all know these data? see link below...
210808165] Cling vectors and contamination’ metgencmic datasets rae concerns over panglin CoV genome
<ieage006 gif>
David M. Morens, M.D.
CAPT, United States Public Health Service
Senior Advisor tothe Director
Offic of the Director
Notional Insticte of Allergy and Infectious isases
Nacional Insitute of Health
‘Bethesda, MD 20892-2520
ce jcon ale
angelasussen penembare] dasa —
yr a weorsess bao
Subject: Ke:
This from a realy super young investigator Alex Crit Christoph. The authors concluded:
(a) the pangoln cove are actualy from mice (0) actually, they were actually cloned artificial constructs, (c)
actualy, hora ware othor viruses i 10 samples as wo (oh nol who'd hava thought (0) actual, ts ai
Comaminated with cog dna.”
wy ake It garbage and no they [ine authors] are not ok - altvough my supposition is that they are being
Wel compensated for generating tis nonsense. Alina Chan [who a quta cangerous INO young
Investigator and fs ring a book] Is using the very Same approach - spouting a ft of pseudoscientfic
garbage, arguing from “authority.” ec. bu finding a receptive [and ikely wealthy] aucience that can put
the garbage to work. The whole Dr. Yan/Steve Bannon saga is but one of the examples of this approach.
From: "Morens, David (NiH/NIAID) (<]" [EE
Date: Friday, August 20, 2021 a 8:36 AM
To: Kristian Andersen [EE
Ce: Jason Gale “angela.rasmussen|
"penambarel daszat
"460250 . ,
Subject: <n® TU%
Do you all know these data? see link below...
210808165] Cling vectors and contamination’ metgencmic datasets rae concerns over panglin CoV genome
<ieage006 gif>
David M. Morens, M.D.
CAPT, United States Public Health Service
Senior Advisor tothe Director
Offic of the Director
Notional Insticte of Allergy and Infectious isases
Nacional Insitute of Health
‘Bethesda, MD 20892-2520
I ———
CONTINUA fh ite fk pb ome mittee bis Al ie best rl
et ee em ep en i wo PA Heme eet
amage007 og
roms stan. Ancersen JN
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 020 EXEPT
Tor orens avi (w/w) tc
Ce ason Ge
Janel esi Garry Robert
46025689. Vankerkhover SEE
‘Subject: Re: The story behind the mi about the story behind the missing raccoons:
ear La Jolla as some prtty ic hase. us saying
Oh wait ie here - he's whats outside my office
imagens pg
Happy to save you spt you know, eld research,
On, Aug 12,2021 25:09PM Miorens, Davi (iw) tc I t=:
You deserve tht bach! Reminds me of that Warten Zevon song about “pp Fosters nthe shade”. Mr Bad
cre ned
Sent rammy hae
Dard M Morens
on ug 12 2021, 200, san clo coma newssoon NNR ~~
Thanks, David. I've actually been tied up with a podcast series on long
Covid (while trying fo stay on top of the usual vaccine effectiveness
stuff. Busyness with which y'all are only too familiar!). But it helps to
vent. sometimes about you can feel pretty defeated by your job. Thanks for
the support. There will be a beach for me to lay on somewhere some day...
erons anorers {EN Ac: 08/13/21 0:05:19 UTC+10:00
Tor dason Gato IoOOR S00:
EEE ccvard.holmes kess18r | kga1976
I ———
CONTINUA fh ite fk pb ome mittee bis Al ie best rl
et ee em ep en i wo PA Heme eet
amage007 og
roms stan. Ancersen JN
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 020 EXEPT
Tor orens avi (w/w) tc
Ce ason Ge
Janel esi Garry Robert
46025689. Vankerkhover SEE
‘Subject: Re: The story behind the mi about the story behind the missing raccoons:
ear La Jolla as some prtty ic hase. us saying
Oh wait ie here - he's whats outside my office
imagens pg
Happy to save you spt you know, eld research,
On, Aug 12,2021 25:09PM Miorens, Davi (iw) tc I t=:
You deserve tht bach! Reminds me of that Warten Zevon song about “pp Fosters nthe shade”. Mr Bad
cre ned
Sent rammy hae
Dard M Morens
on ug 12 2021, 200, san clo coma newssoon NNR ~~
Thanks, David. I've actually been tied up with a podcast series on long
Covid (while trying fo stay on top of the usual vaccine effectiveness
stuff. Busyness with which y'all are only too familiar!). But it helps to
vent. sometimes about you can feel pretty defeated by your job. Thanks for
the support. There will be a beach for me to lay on somewhere some day...
erons anorers {EN Ac: 08/13/21 0:05:19 UTC+10:00
Tor dason Gato IoOOR S00:
EEE ccvard.holmes kess18r | kga1976
SNSCUNRE: The story penind the 2 the stor the
missing raccoons
Jason, yikes, but itis a mirace that with all that work you have still been able to crank
out multiple high-calibre articles. | have no idea why anyone up your chanin would
jerk you around. Who are these guys anyway???? Just keep doing it and
overcome, OK?
David M. Morens, M.D.
CAPT, United States Public Health Service
Senior Advisor to the Director
Office of the Director
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892-2520
‘Il |
Dicer Thi map ded fr cvs fei) med ser. ny tin form ds PROTECTED, PRIVILEGED, nd
CONTI ct hot er ei, dt pio ees Ade ee ch ta, Al id ot
Terao breton tet Br emotion yest tbe st Poo Hoo
mi ee ors ve Beat emir marten tame
<image007 jpg>
From: Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG! Newsroom.) | EEN
Sent: Thursday, Augus 53 PM
ie enembarck of coco Moro.
David (NIH/NIAID) [E]
= I ————
8 Garry, Robert F
|,u6025689 sje A
ubject: The story behind the missing story about the story behind the missing raccoons
Hi everyone,
Just letting you know that my story has been turned into a shitshow
internally. My long awaited feature on why the raccoon dogs were there in
Wuhan one minute, gone the next and why we waited 18 months to find out
for sure that they were there in the first place, has taken more twists
ooo 521
SNSCUNRE: The story penind the 2 the stor the
missing raccoons
Jason, yikes, but itis a mirace that with all that work you have still been able to crank
out multiple high-calibre articles. | have no idea why anyone up your chanin would
jerk you around. Who are these guys anyway???? Just keep doing it and
overcome, OK?
David M. Morens, M.D.
CAPT, United States Public Health Service
Senior Advisor to the Director
Office of the Director
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892-2520
‘Il |
Dicer Thi map ded fr cvs fei) med ser. ny tin form ds PROTECTED, PRIVILEGED, nd
CONTI ct hot er ei, dt pio ees Ade ee ch ta, Al id ot
Terao breton tet Br emotion yest tbe st Poo Hoo
mi ee ors ve Beat emir marten tame
<image007 jpg>
From: Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG! Newsroom.) | EEN
Sent: Thursday, Augus 53 PM
ie enembarck of coco Moro.
David (NIH/NIAID) [E]
= I ————
8 Garry, Robert F
|,u6025689 sje A
ubject: The story behind the missing story about the story behind the missing raccoons
Hi everyone,
Just letting you know that my story has been turned into a shitshow
internally. My long awaited feature on why the raccoon dogs were there in
Wuhan one minute, gone the next and why we waited 18 months to find out
for sure that they were there in the first place, has taken more twists
ooo 521
and turns than any Olympic diver, thanks to some egomaniac editors.
(Please keep that bit to yourselves).
I have even more sympathy for Xiao et al. I'm told now Tuesday for
publication, but I wouldn't be surprised if some a-hole higher up the food
chain spikes it. To say I am exasperated (and a tad emotional after
working 13 days straight) is an understatement.
Kindest regards,
and turns than any Olympic diver, thanks to some egomaniac editors.
(Please keep that bit to yourselves).
I have even more sympathy for Xiao et al. I'm told now Tuesday for
publication, but I wouldn't be surprised if some a-hole higher up the food
chain spikes it. To say I am exasperated (and a tad emotional after
working 13 days straight) is an understatement.
Kindest regards,
rom: Edwardiioimas
Sent: 7/28/2021 6:47:58 PM
fo: Stephen Goldstoin
cc: Jason Gale
— External Sender. Be aware of inks, atachments and requests.
morens EE Garr
Fobert - INE
Subject: URGENT: Seeking comment
on paper in Nature: Scenific
Pangolins were all the rage in Feb 2020 - that's when that link was found. So, think focus on those species at
that time is fully understandable.
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases & Biosecurity,
School of Life & Environmental Sciences and School of Medical Sciences,
The University of Sydney | Sydney | NSW | 2006 | Australia
- I
On 29 Jul 2021, at 9:45 am, Stephen Goldstein | NE NNER + ~:
Yes ts the focus on bats and pangolins that throws me of. Chis seems to think the lack of those animals are the
maior findings, whereas i's the presence of the other animals. But, perhaps I'm just misreading it. No coubt they are
no very aware the importance of the paper regardless.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 28, 2021, at 4:45 PM, Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG! NEWSROOM: EN rote:
Thanks, David.
Your observations and thoughts are always much appreciated! (There was a
time once when I would drop Tony an email and he would respond almost
immediately. Ha!)
Thanks, Eddie. I will get back to you if there's a quote that would be
useful to use.
I'11 see if Chris Neuman would be willing to share the paper -- it's 2
months earlier than his colleague in China said it was drafted (and three
rom: Edwardiioimas
Sent: 7/28/2021 6:47:58 PM
fo: Stephen Goldstoin
cc: Jason Gale
— External Sender. Be aware of inks, atachments and requests.
morens EE Garr
Fobert - INE
Subject: URGENT: Seeking comment
on paper in Nature: Scenific
Pangolins were all the rage in Feb 2020 - that's when that link was found. So, think focus on those species at
that time is fully understandable.
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases & Biosecurity,
School of Life & Environmental Sciences and School of Medical Sciences,
The University of Sydney | Sydney | NSW | 2006 | Australia
- I
On 29 Jul 2021, at 9:45 am, Stephen Goldstein | NE NNER + ~:
Yes ts the focus on bats and pangolins that throws me of. Chis seems to think the lack of those animals are the
maior findings, whereas i's the presence of the other animals. But, perhaps I'm just misreading it. No coubt they are
no very aware the importance of the paper regardless.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 28, 2021, at 4:45 PM, Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG! NEWSROOM: EN rote:
Thanks, David.
Your observations and thoughts are always much appreciated! (There was a
time once when I would drop Tony an email and he would respond almost
immediately. Ha!)
Thanks, Eddie. I will get back to you if there's a quote that would be
useful to use.
I'11 see if Chris Neuman would be willing to share the paper -- it's 2
months earlier than his colleague in China said it was drafted (and three
months after Xiao Xiao's last monthly survey), which makes me think they
understood the urgency of their findings.
Kindest regards,
eron: ancrens {NNN At: 07/29/21 07:38:47
To: Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG) NEWSROOM: ) , xfoarry[EEE
edward. oTnes SE cos co MRM
Subject: RE: Fud:Re: URGENT: Seeking comment on paper in Nature:
Scientific reports
Jason, | can almost always talk on background or off the record, and if needed |
MIGHT be able to speak ON the record. In the US government we all have to get
approval from HHS or the Whitehouse to speak to the press. Sometimes they are
touchy about certain issues and say no. For many months, | have not been approved
to talk about “origins” on the record.
But today, to my total surprise, my boss Tony actually ASKED me to speak to the
National Geographic on the record about origins. | interpret this to mean that our
government is lightening up but that Tony doesn't want his fingerprints on origin
Bottom line, | can speak to you on background and, if you need or want quotations or
attributions, you can request to speak to me formally. They can only say no or, better
yet, steer you to Tony...
Have you asked Dr. Newman when he bmight be able to share the paper he
mentioned? | would love to see that...
<mime-atiachment i>
David M. Morens, M.D.
CAPT, United States Public Health Service
Senior Advisor to the Director
Office of the Director
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
months after Xiao Xiao's last monthly survey), which makes me think they
understood the urgency of their findings.
Kindest regards,
eron: ancrens {NNN At: 07/29/21 07:38:47
To: Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG) NEWSROOM: ) , xfoarry[EEE
edward. oTnes SE cos co MRM
Subject: RE: Fud:Re: URGENT: Seeking comment on paper in Nature:
Scientific reports
Jason, | can almost always talk on background or off the record, and if needed |
MIGHT be able to speak ON the record. In the US government we all have to get
approval from HHS or the Whitehouse to speak to the press. Sometimes they are
touchy about certain issues and say no. For many months, | have not been approved
to talk about “origins” on the record.
But today, to my total surprise, my boss Tony actually ASKED me to speak to the
National Geographic on the record about origins. | interpret this to mean that our
government is lightening up but that Tony doesn't want his fingerprints on origin
Bottom line, | can speak to you on background and, if you need or want quotations or
attributions, you can request to speak to me formally. They can only say no or, better
yet, steer you to Tony...
Have you asked Dr. Newman when he bmight be able to share the paper he
mentioned? | would love to see that...
<mime-atiachment i>
David M. Morens, M.D.
CAPT, United States Public Health Service
Senior Advisor to the Director
Office of the Director
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892-2520
* -- —
“ —
Diime Thi memgsedodr he excise ob cin) ued hos, ay coi norton ht PROTECTED, PRIVILEGED, sd
CONTDENTIA sn ah Ste do po Pest ered ce mh A ie Gan mt FP
bcd fre dvmineionin yex ree be cded cit oy dma, fico, ong <H entn yo hae sed
mini mre ot co oe ep ee 1 RA,
<mime-attachment jpg>
From: Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG/ NEwsRooM:) |
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 4:54 PM
To: Morens David (NIINIAID) [E] ; Garry, Robert F
; edward.holmes| 6025689)
Subject: Fwd:Re: URGENT: Seeking com! lature: Scientific reports
Ahhh. This (below) makes more sense! Btw, I'm making some progress with my story, somewhat
distracted by the Olympics... Eddie and David, I'm assuming your comments are off the record.
Cheers, Jason
= Original Message
From, Cova Nowra [EE
At: 07/29/21 00:13:38 UTC+10.00
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your interest. Yes, it was unfortunate that this paper had a chequered publication history.
In brief, we had submitted this manuscript to a different journal in Feb 2020, anticipating support and
swift publication — job done, data out there to share. Instead, said journal came back with review
comments that cast aspersions onto the veracity of our dataset, both in terms of Dr. Xiao’s surveying
and the extent to which these data might accurately reflect all species sold in the markets. We
responded with a revision, but got a second round of review, until at the end of Sept 2020 the journal
rejected our paper saying they did not think it would have widespread appeal.
This had three consequences:
1) It significantly delayed intended urgency to publish
2) It caused us, especially our Chinese co-authors, concern that these data would not be taken
seriously / dismissed unless they were properly published in a reputable peer-reviewed journal.
3) It caused us to write a revised version of our manuscript that incorporated more data on pangolin
rade networks in China.
Bethesda, MD 20892-2520
* -- —
“ —
Diime Thi memgsedodr he excise ob cin) ued hos, ay coi norton ht PROTECTED, PRIVILEGED, sd
CONTDENTIA sn ah Ste do po Pest ered ce mh A ie Gan mt FP
bcd fre dvmineionin yex ree be cded cit oy dma, fico, ong <H entn yo hae sed
mini mre ot co oe ep ee 1 RA,
<mime-attachment jpg>
From: Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG/ NEwsRooM:) |
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 4:54 PM
To: Morens David (NIINIAID) [E] ; Garry, Robert F
; edward.holmes| 6025689)
Subject: Fwd:Re: URGENT: Seeking com! lature: Scientific reports
Ahhh. This (below) makes more sense! Btw, I'm making some progress with my story, somewhat
distracted by the Olympics... Eddie and David, I'm assuming your comments are off the record.
Cheers, Jason
= Original Message
From, Cova Nowra [EE
At: 07/29/21 00:13:38 UTC+10.00
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your interest. Yes, it was unfortunate that this paper had a chequered publication history.
In brief, we had submitted this manuscript to a different journal in Feb 2020, anticipating support and
swift publication — job done, data out there to share. Instead, said journal came back with review
comments that cast aspersions onto the veracity of our dataset, both in terms of Dr. Xiao’s surveying
and the extent to which these data might accurately reflect all species sold in the markets. We
responded with a revision, but got a second round of review, until at the end of Sept 2020 the journal
rejected our paper saying they did not think it would have widespread appeal.
This had three consequences:
1) It significantly delayed intended urgency to publish
2) It caused us, especially our Chinese co-authors, concern that these data would not be taken
seriously / dismissed unless they were properly published in a reputable peer-reviewed journal.
3) It caused us to write a revised version of our manuscript that incorporated more data on pangolin
rade networks in China.
We were very grateful that Nature Scientific Reports ultimately published our paper — where they, as
per all journals currently, struggled to find reviewers, ironically due to covid impacts on academics,
teaching, research, etc. They then recommended we ditch the pangolin trade element and (re-}focus
on the market trade, which we did (our now re-separated pangolin trade network paper was
provisionally accepted elsewhere today, subject to some revisions). And so we ended up where we
As to why our Chinese authors did not take these data directly to the WHO, my interpretation (no that
they ever said this themselves) is that thay were comfortable writing a report on market surveys to
publish in a journal (where we've published dozens of papers on IWT in China with Dr. Zhou), but to
take their data to the WHO directly would have required them to go through line management
channels that would not be typical to their normal roles in their universities. | might add, however, that
although one might speculate that these data would interest the WHO team, where our report
corroborates a lack of bats and pangolins (chief covid culprits) for sale in these markets (pangolins.
are sold much more extensively in southern China), no one from the WHO has subsequently
approached us for more details. Drs Xiao and Zhaomin are currently seeking permission to share
their raw dataset, awaiting a decision from their institutions
Please let me know if | can be of further assistance.
Or. Chis Newman
Widife Conservation Research Unit
University of Oxford
From: Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM.) |
Sent: 27 July 202104:03
A — enrstina buesching
ubject: dng comment on paper in Nature: Scientific reports
Dear Drs Buesching and Newman,
I hope you're well. I saw somewhere some information that indicated you
are collaborators/colleagues as well as partners, so I hope you don't mind
me emailing you both.
As a way of introduction, I'm a journalist based in Melbourne, Australia,
reporting on the pandemic for the international news organization
Bloomberg News.
We were very grateful that Nature Scientific Reports ultimately published our paper — where they, as
per all journals currently, struggled to find reviewers, ironically due to covid impacts on academics,
teaching, research, etc. They then recommended we ditch the pangolin trade element and (re-}focus
on the market trade, which we did (our now re-separated pangolin trade network paper was
provisionally accepted elsewhere today, subject to some revisions). And so we ended up where we
As to why our Chinese authors did not take these data directly to the WHO, my interpretation (no that
they ever said this themselves) is that thay were comfortable writing a report on market surveys to
publish in a journal (where we've published dozens of papers on IWT in China with Dr. Zhou), but to
take their data to the WHO directly would have required them to go through line management
channels that would not be typical to their normal roles in their universities. | might add, however, that
although one might speculate that these data would interest the WHO team, where our report
corroborates a lack of bats and pangolins (chief covid culprits) for sale in these markets (pangolins.
are sold much more extensively in southern China), no one from the WHO has subsequently
approached us for more details. Drs Xiao and Zhaomin are currently seeking permission to share
their raw dataset, awaiting a decision from their institutions
Please let me know if | can be of further assistance.
Or. Chis Newman
Widife Conservation Research Unit
University of Oxford
From: Jason Gale (BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM.) |
Sent: 27 July 202104:03
A — enrstina buesching
ubject: dng comment on paper in Nature: Scientific reports
Dear Drs Buesching and Newman,
I hope you're well. I saw somewhere some information that indicated you
are collaborators/colleagues as well as partners, so I hope you don't mind
me emailing you both.
As a way of introduction, I'm a journalist based in Melbourne, Australia,
reporting on the pandemic for the international news organization
Bloomberg News.
I note with interest the paper in Scientific Reports in June of which you
are two of the five authors. (I have separately emailed Prof. Macdonald
and Dr. Zhou in China.
The paper created quite a rumble since it confirmed what many scientists
researching the origins of Covid-19 had previously speculated: that
markets in Wuhan (including the Huanan wholesale seafood market) were
selling live animals known to be susceptible to SARS-like coronaviruses
before the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.
My reason for contacting you is to see if you might be able to assist me
better understand to what extent local, national and international
authorities knew about this, and what was done to alert them.
Your co-author Zhou Zhaonin told me in an email in June that a draft of
the paper was initially completed in April 2020. After rejections by
several journals, it wes submitted to Scientific Reports in October 2020,
he said. Dr Zhou said: "We were unwilling to disclose it to any other
parties, unless the peer reviewers think the paper is almost ready." He
said further "I don't think it is about the level of openness and
transparency. In the paper, we have discussed why it was difficult to
ascertain which species were on sale, even to the genus level, relying
solely on the responsible market authority's official sales records and
Springer Nature told me they submitted the paper as per their procedure to
the WHO almost immediately. Maria van Kerkhove at WHO confirmed she
received a copy titled "Pangolin trading in China: Wuhan’s alibi in the
origin of Covid-19" in October, however, it got buried under the heavy
weight of submissions and pre-prints that sho was receiving via email, and
it was essentially overlooked. Dr Van Kerkove expressed regret that
neither the journal nor the authors made direct, more overt contact with
the WHO research team alerting them to their findings ahead of their well-
publicized field trip to Wuhan in January-February 2021.
I appreciate that research into the origins of Covid-19 has become a
hotbed of political posturing and accusations, mostly based on rumors, and
circunstantial and unfounded "evidence". That's mostly why I find your
research on the animals found to be sold live in Wuhan markets so
interesting and compelling.
Dr Zhou mentioned reliance on the responsible market authority's official
sales records and disclosures for obtaining information on the types of
animals sold in Wuhan markets. This would indicate records may have been
available to local and provincial authorities, who may have been able to
identify possible animal vectors in Wuhan for further analysis and trace-
back. Yet, the operator, vendors and regular customers of the Huanan
I note with interest the paper in Scientific Reports in June of which you
are two of the five authors. (I have separately emailed Prof. Macdonald
and Dr. Zhou in China.
The paper created quite a rumble since it confirmed what many scientists
researching the origins of Covid-19 had previously speculated: that
markets in Wuhan (including the Huanan wholesale seafood market) were
selling live animals known to be susceptible to SARS-like coronaviruses
before the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.
My reason for contacting you is to see if you might be able to assist me
better understand to what extent local, national and international
authorities knew about this, and what was done to alert them.
Your co-author Zhou Zhaonin told me in an email in June that a draft of
the paper was initially completed in April 2020. After rejections by
several journals, it wes submitted to Scientific Reports in October 2020,
he said. Dr Zhou said: "We were unwilling to disclose it to any other
parties, unless the peer reviewers think the paper is almost ready." He
said further "I don't think it is about the level of openness and
transparency. In the paper, we have discussed why it was difficult to
ascertain which species were on sale, even to the genus level, relying
solely on the responsible market authority's official sales records and
Springer Nature told me they submitted the paper as per their procedure to
the WHO almost immediately. Maria van Kerkhove at WHO confirmed she
received a copy titled "Pangolin trading in China: Wuhan’s alibi in the
origin of Covid-19" in October, however, it got buried under the heavy
weight of submissions and pre-prints that sho was receiving via email, and
it was essentially overlooked. Dr Van Kerkove expressed regret that
neither the journal nor the authors made direct, more overt contact with
the WHO research team alerting them to their findings ahead of their well-
publicized field trip to Wuhan in January-February 2021.
I appreciate that research into the origins of Covid-19 has become a
hotbed of political posturing and accusations, mostly based on rumors, and
circunstantial and unfounded "evidence". That's mostly why I find your
research on the animals found to be sold live in Wuhan markets so
interesting and compelling.
Dr Zhou mentioned reliance on the responsible market authority's official
sales records and disclosures for obtaining information on the types of
animals sold in Wuhan markets. This would indicate records may have been
available to local and provincial authorities, who may have been able to
identify possible animal vectors in Wuhan for further analysis and trace-
back. Yet, the operator, vendors and regular customers of the Huanan
market denied being aware that such live animals were sold in the market
when they were interviewed by the WHO-led research team on Jan. 31.
I suspect it's difficult for researchers in China to discuss freely the
level of awareness that existed in Wuhan of the presence of live SARS-
pernissive animals sold in markets there, so I am hoping you might feel
more comfortable discussing the information you have.
Specifically, could you please tell me what you know about:
+ the extent to which your research findings were shared ahead of
publication with local, provincial and national authorities in China?
+ Whether you considered sharing the unpublished research findings with
the WHO personally, and, if not, why? And if you did, why you didn't do so
in the end?
Please don't take my questions as an accusation of any neglect or
wrongdoing on your point. That's not at all my intention.
What is clear to me is that valuable information wasn't in the hands of
researchers working on the WHO-led mission as early as it could have been,
and that at some point, critical information wasn't passed on to them or
(supposedly) to their Chinese counterparts.
What I am not clear about is whether there was a deliberate attempt to
obfuscate the facts about the presence of live animals in Wuhan markets,
and, if so, who is responsible?
Your earliest assistance in helping to shed some light and clarify what
you know
about this will be much appreciated.
Kindest regards,
<ATTO0002 jpg><ATTO0001 gif
market denied being aware that such live animals were sold in the market
when they were interviewed by the WHO-led research team on Jan. 31.
I suspect it's difficult for researchers in China to discuss freely the
level of awareness that existed in Wuhan of the presence of live SARS-
pernissive animals sold in markets there, so I am hoping you might feel
more comfortable discussing the information you have.
Specifically, could you please tell me what you know about:
+ the extent to which your research findings were shared ahead of
publication with local, provincial and national authorities in China?
+ Whether you considered sharing the unpublished research findings with
the WHO personally, and, if not, why? And if you did, why you didn't do so
in the end?
Please don't take my questions as an accusation of any neglect or
wrongdoing on your point. That's not at all my intention.
What is clear to me is that valuable information wasn't in the hands of
researchers working on the WHO-led mission as early as it could have been,
and that at some point, critical information wasn't passed on to them or
(supposedly) to their Chinese counterparts.
What I am not clear about is whether there was a deliberate attempt to
obfuscate the facts about the presence of live animals in Wuhan markets,
and, if so, who is responsible?
Your earliest assistance in helping to shed some light and clarify what
you know
about this will be much appreciated.
Kindest regards,
<ATTO0002 jpg><ATTO0001 gif