2023 U.S. Joint Special Operations Command Procurement Document on Plane Tracking
July 17, 2023

New for 2023
Technica Interest tem i: 619.1 Lead Org: 15t SOAC
Tile: (U) Aircraft Fight Profile/ “ig Data” Analysis & Feedback Tool
Category: Situational Awareness (5A)
(U)SOF is interested in the development of a consolidated resource to leverage historical and real-time data, such as the
travel histories and detals of specific aircraft with correlation to open source information, social media, and fight
reporting, The capability output can be ited and sorted to enhance operational advantage and minimize risk to force
and mission i real-time. This capability would be able to assess patter of Ife details associated with US, USG, DOD, or
commercial aircraft critcal to decision making, afte action reporting and mision analysis.
‘Operational Scenario:
(U) SOF seeks to conduct movement of personnel and assets to an area of interest with a reduced profile. When
determining if the planned movement is suitable and appropriate, the “Aircraft Fight Profile Management Database Tool”
reveals that the aircraft is primarily associated with a distinctly different geographic area. Additionally, “til watchers”
have posted on social media pictures of the aircraft at various airfields. Based on the information available, the
‘commander decides to utilize a different airframe for the mission. With the aircraft n fight, the tool is monitored for any
indication of increased scrutiny or mission compromise.
General Conditions:
(0) Austere Site, Tactical Operations Center, Rear
Unique Conditions:
(0) None:
(U) Compatible and available across ll SOF networks.
(0) Collects and stores data from sensors or databases for a designated time period.
(0) Delivers and integrates into Co? feed for real-time monitoring and tracking of aircraft
(U) Searches and fitrs data for recent and historical key terms to provide ull spectrum social media and open source
Situational awareness
(0) Open coding for future adaptability and integration.
(U) Cloud or physical data storage capabilty on al SOF networks.
(0) Parameters set to automaticaly adjust lasification as data is aggregated based on predetermined search terms and
Technology Research Areas:
(0) Several variations of platforms providing this specific type of data driven information to analysis are availabe.
Determination on whether the most appropriate application includes management of this type of data 3 an input to
systems and overlays that are already used in traditional nteligence reporting, or whether an entirely new interface and.
platforms required to be effective and efficient. Determination as to the optimal length of time related to historical
lookback information required in order to maximize historical awareness and pattern of fe understanding to enable
effective analysis
New for 2023
Technica Interest tem i: 619.1 Lead Org: 15t SOAC
Tile: (U) Aircraft Fight Profile/ “ig Data” Analysis & Feedback Tool
Category: Situational Awareness (5A)
(U)SOF is interested in the development of a consolidated resource to leverage historical and real-time data, such as the
travel histories and detals of specific aircraft with correlation to open source information, social media, and fight
reporting, The capability output can be ited and sorted to enhance operational advantage and minimize risk to force
and mission i real-time. This capability would be able to assess patter of Ife details associated with US, USG, DOD, or
commercial aircraft critcal to decision making, afte action reporting and mision analysis.
‘Operational Scenario:
(U) SOF seeks to conduct movement of personnel and assets to an area of interest with a reduced profile. When
determining if the planned movement is suitable and appropriate, the “Aircraft Fight Profile Management Database Tool”
reveals that the aircraft is primarily associated with a distinctly different geographic area. Additionally, “til watchers”
have posted on social media pictures of the aircraft at various airfields. Based on the information available, the
‘commander decides to utilize a different airframe for the mission. With the aircraft n fight, the tool is monitored for any
indication of increased scrutiny or mission compromise.
General Conditions:
(0) Austere Site, Tactical Operations Center, Rear
Unique Conditions:
(0) None:
(U) Compatible and available across ll SOF networks.
(0) Collects and stores data from sensors or databases for a designated time period.
(0) Delivers and integrates into Co? feed for real-time monitoring and tracking of aircraft
(U) Searches and fitrs data for recent and historical key terms to provide ull spectrum social media and open source
Situational awareness
(0) Open coding for future adaptability and integration.
(U) Cloud or physical data storage capabilty on al SOF networks.
(0) Parameters set to automaticaly adjust lasification as data is aggregated based on predetermined search terms and
Technology Research Areas:
(0) Several variations of platforms providing this specific type of data driven information to analysis are availabe.
Determination on whether the most appropriate application includes management of this type of data 3 an input to
systems and overlays that are already used in traditional nteligence reporting, or whether an entirely new interface and.
platforms required to be effective and efficient. Determination as to the optimal length of time related to historical
lookback information required in order to maximize historical awareness and pattern of fe understanding to enable
effective analysis